GlassFish V3 Test & Quality Assurance requirements

This is not intended to cover underlying platform support (yet). Version numbers to test with TBD.

Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments
TQ-1 Test with Open ESB P1 Ensure Open ESB works
TQ-2 Test with OpenSSO P1 Ensure Both the policy agent and policy server install and operate as documented.
TQ-2 Test with OpenDS P1 Ensure LDAP realms are supported in OpenDS / Sun Directory Server
TQ-3 Test with Sun Identity manager P1 Ensure Identity Manager installs and operates properly
TQ-4 Test with OpenPortal Ensure OpenPortal installs and operates properly
TQ-5 Test with Hibernate P1 Ensure Hibernate works as documented
TQ-6 Test with Spring P1 Ensure Spring works as documented

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