REST Interfaces One Pager Review

Document: revision 13

Reviewer: Marc Hadley

Review date: 2008-07-16

Response date:

Suggestion: Section 4.5 Interfaces:
Technically any of the three flavors would work. Aesthetically I prefer flavor 1. In flavour 2, the domain, server, webmodule etc path segments don't really add anything and the query parameters in flavor 3 are likely to disable caching with certain caches.

Consider adding representations for lists of things. E.g.

GET http://host:port/management

could return a list of domains with links to each individual domain
resource. Similarly

GET http://host:port/management/domain1

could return a list of servers within domain1 with links to each
individual server resource.

It should be possible to discover the entire set of resources by
traversing the links included in returned representations.