REST Interfaces One Pager Review

Document: revision 13

Reviewer: Vince Kraemer

Review date: 2008-07-14

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
1 Clarification In section 3.1, you describe a solution... not a problem. A clear problem statement will make the reasoning for assigning resources to this project clear. Updated one-pager.
2 Clarification Is the last paragraph of section 4.1 an alternative design or the "chosen" design? These are other design alternatives available.
3 Correction Please open an RFE for feature status tracking. You may want to have multiple RFE's... One for implementing the "framework' and some for each module that will get instrumented... Will do that.
4 Clarification Provide more complete information about the data (input and output) associated with the HTTP methods that are used in REST interfaces... I think they are GET, PUT, DELETE and UPDATE, right? This will make the interface table much larger. Since this is a work-in-progress, you may want to just deep dive to that level for ONE of the proposed URLs and call it an example. For Prelude we are supporting only GET.
5 Clarification if these interfaces are strictly for monitoring (in the Prelude release), you may want to explain how that affects the exposed interface. Is GET the only HTTP method that will be supported by these interfaces in the prelude release time frame? Yes. GET will be the only method supported for Prelude.
6 Clarification it sounds like there are two parts to the work outlined in this document. the first part is building a framework. the second part is using that framework in other modules... is the team doing the framework development going to do the coding that uses the framework... or is that going to be done by others. If others are expected to code the "usage", they should probably submit a one-pager for that work OR their existing one-pagers should reflect that work, too... Good point. Its the same team. I will be working with Monitoring team for the client side work.
7 Clarification is the "org.glassfish.admin.RestEnabled tagging Contract" an exposed interface? Yes.
Reference number Clarification/Enhancement/Correction/.... Detailed review comments Response from functional spec/one pager author – Be sure to put changes that correspond to the response into the text of the spec...