Sample Project to show the Integration Point to GlassFish v3 Admin ConsoleLast updated on 9/11/208 A sample is created that shows how to extend the Admin Console by using Integration Points. Download and install Maven2 version 2.0.9You can get that from mvn -version Checkout the projectChange the username to your user account name. cvs -d co glassfish-samples/v3/plugin/adminconsole/console-sample-ip Build the project (optional as the jar itself has been checked out)
cd glassfish-samples/v3/plugin/adminconsole/console-sample-ip/project mvn install By default, access the console by *http://localhost:4848/* Files that you should examine:1. src/main/java/org/glassfish/admingui/plugin/
Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. |
cp glassfish-samples/v3/plugin/adminconsole/console-sample-ip/target/console-sample-ip-plugin-3.0-Prelude.jar <GFv3-prelude>/glassfish/modules/ <GFv3-prelude>/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain