This page last changed on Jul 09, 2010 by am74686.

There are 18 JVM options that are used in a stock V2 installation for startup. Initially we will assume all 18 have been specified when the calling JVM started. Some of these options must be specified when the JVM starts (e.g. -cp, -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions) while with others it is unclear (jmx.invoke.getters=true).

I.e. V3 will check and make sure whatever options are required to be already set are indeed already set. If not, V3 will refuse to start and describe the exact problem.

V2 Option Name V2 Value Required Must be pre-set Comments ? ? This sys prop consulted every time a new MBeanServer needs to be created, and the class pointed to by that property is loaded. If that class is different from that of the current MBeanServerBuilder, then a new MBeanServerBuilder is created. Otherwise, the MBeanServerFactory may create a new MBeanServerBuilder or reuse the current one. D:/as/domains/domain1/config/keystore.jks YES ? Can it be set later? D:/as/domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks YES ? Can it be set later?
jdbc.drivers org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver ? ? is this old and can be dropped?
jmx.invoke.getters true ? ? Need to check and see if invoke is called the special way that this enables.

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