GlassFish V3 Web Services Improvements


Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue Link Eng Response
WS-1 Microsoft .NET 3.5 interoperability P1 Stay in sync with the .NET framework roadmap. * Oasis WS-Trust 1.3 * Oasis WS-SecureConversation 1.3 * W3C WS-Policy 1.5 * Oasis WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 * Oasis WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1 * Oasis WS-ReliableMessagingPolicy 1.1 * Oasis WS-MakeConnection 1.0 Note: specifications used in AS 9.1 (link ) Feature request: 4268 Yes
WS-2 High availability support of all metro features P2 Across all features, today some work, some do not Feature request: 4269 Yes
WS-3 Kerberos interoperability with .NET 3.5 P2 Improved interoperability Feature request: 4270 Yes
WS-4 Unified JSR 196 Security P2   Feature request: 4271 Yes
WS-5 Turn off provisioning endpoints in JAX-WS when used with Java SE Service Engine (scope issue) P1 Open ESB request. Feature request: 4272 Yes
WS-6 Support of WS-MEX / Transfer P3   Feature request: 4273 Yes
WS-7 Inclusion of JAX-WS 2.2 Spec & RI P1   Feature request: 4274 Yes
WS-8 Inclusion of Jersey P1   Feature request: 4275 Yes