Overall V3 Web Tier Feature List v3 lite features for web container
- Community structure setup (Committers, etc) - Rajiv
- Compression
- WebDAV
- Context.xml
- Comet
- Monitoring
- Performance
- Original Tomcat valves support (ease of migration from Tomcat)
- support for latest mod_jk from Apache
- Refactoring WC (Lite) (SW1 - 3 weeks)
- remove commons logging, commons modeler
- remove coyote
- Refactor Session (jsessionid)
- separate appserv_core src into a separate module
- start with v3/v2 code base ? (JF)
- remove GF API dependency (KK)
- Use GF embedded instead (KK)
- Separate project (KM - 2weeks) (lite)
- OSGIfying Binaries
- splitting JSTL and EL
- binary integrations of jsp, jstl, el
- porting TC fixes (2 weeks)
- Tomcat alignment
- valvles (lite) JL
- mod_jk (lite) AR
- sever.xml support (Jan/JF) (1 pager for lite, implementation after lite as it involves deployment team) and full context.xml support
- Advanced (DP1)
- dynamic reconfig
- monitoring
- grizzly config
- Grizzly (OS)
- GF v2
- nio fixing bugs
- Grizzly 2.0
- v3 integration
- Cometd support - Jeanfrancois
- Complete Bayeux implementation to 1.0 - Jeanfrancois - need to confirm if done.
- Need QA to test Bayeux features. - JFA please list features that need to be tested.
V3 lite scripting
- jRuby - Vivek - need feature set and dates.
- jRuby integration - Vivek
- jMaki - Ruby support - Greg & Carla
- Other features post v3 lite
- Fast CGI
- OSGI - http service
- Deployment (deployment team)
- servlets 3.0 (SW)
- Annotation processing
- web.xml fragments (deployment team)
- programmatic APIs and config (Jan)
- security support (SW/JF)
- Comet support
General web container work (for v3)
- additional performance work (SpecWeb certified) - Need to be planned.
- Grizzly config - Jan & Jeanfrancois
V3 (beta and fcs) post lite
- FastCGI support (requires C work, support/reviews from web server team) - Jeanfrancois - 4 weeks
- OSGi http service
- Improved EL error handling in JSP pages - Kin-Man
- first class support for UI components in JSP - Kin-Man
- MR for JSP
Not doing for v3
- Web Container pluggability - Amy
JSF JsrBasedFeatureTracking Here are the goals of JSF in Glassfish V3
- Make custom components easier to develop
- First class Ajax support for JSF
- Define a JSF specific page description language (based on Facelets)
- Reduce the configuration burden
- Provide for the ability of third parties to write advanced JSF component libraries that have a high level of guarantee of interoperability.
In support of these goals, the following concrete issue-tracker issues are defined, most of which are or will be in the issue tracker at java.net
[273-EZComp] total: 100 business days (ending roughly mid January 2008)
Requirements analysis 10 days
[115-ComponentResources] 10 days
[287-ConfigAnnotations] 10 days
[289-ComponentAuthoringAnnotations ] 5 days
[280-DeclarativePDLRenderers] 10 days
[274-PageDescriptionLanguage] 20 days
leaf tasks 40 days
[293-Ajax] total: 100 business days (ending roughly mid January 2008)
Requirements analysis 10 days
JSF JavaScript client API 30 days
JSF Lifecycle for Ajax 30 days
Ajax message format 20 Days
Partial rendering 10 days
Spec required features Servlets
- Rest support - Rajiv
- Looking into seeing how to improve ServletFilters for better integration of JAX-RS.
- Alignment on some of the annotations - Servlet annotations could be a degenerate case of the JAX-RS annotations.
- Ease of Development - use of annotations, generics, etc - Rajiv
- Support for implicit servlet mappings (like for JSF) - Jan
- Web framework pluggability (Need Rajiv to flesh this out) - Rajiv
- Looking into different approaches for this. Could do it in one of the following ways. Needs discussion in the expert group.
- Approach 1 - Use the JAR services API that can look up an implementation of either a servlet / filter.
- Approach 2 - Limited programmatic access to web.xml
- Approach 3 - Could provide a generic framework to define Scopes.
- The framework pluggability could be a combination of all of the above.
- File upload - Amy
- Logout ability - Jan
- Comet Spec support
- Spec API for non-blocking I/O for Cometd - Rajiv
JSF (Ed needs to give us this feedback)