GlassFish V3 Web Tier Improvements

Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue Link Eng Response
WT-1 Web Container Pluggability P1 Ability to replace GFv2 (v3) web container with other web container RFE4329 Partial. Need ability to run most applications that run on Tomcat.
WT-2 Fast CGI support P1 Enable GlassFish to be used in place of existing scripting services as well as acting as enabling communication with existing scripting engines via Fast CGI (frontent & backend) RFE4330 Partial. FastCGI backend is higher priority. May drop frontend.
WT-3 Support for mod_jk P2 Option to HA load balancer, some customers feel comfortable with apache w/mod_jk RFE4332 Yes
WT-4 PHP Support P1 Top-tier scripting language in the web tier. Post-TP2 RFE4333 Partial. May not be "top-tier" but an additional download.
WT-5 JRuby Support, JSF, jMaki, admin console, REST, Metro as upgrade modules in TP2 P1 For Technology Preview 2 (TP2) RFE4336 Yes
WT-6 Ease of use - add new elements to domain.xml P1   RFE4338 Yes, pending approval from architecture group.
WT=7 Comet support P1   RFE4339 Yes

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