V3 Web Tier Schedule Overall Schedule Highlights:
- Milestone 2 - 7 Dec 07
- Milestone 3 - 8 Feb 08
- TP2 ship - 28 Apr 08
- First Public Draft of specs - Mar 08
- v3 Beta SCF & Spec PFD, MR for JSP and EL, feature complete - 19 Sep 08
- v3 Beta HCF - 31 Oct 08
- v3 Beta ship - 3 Dec 08
- Final Freeze Begins - 27 Feb 08
- FCS - 6 Apr 09
Schedule Tasks almost immediately due
- separate JSP project - Kin-Man, Rajiv
- Separate out the build (subversion) - complete
- Convert to svn - complete
- Ready to announce - complete
- hk2 alignment
- Move WebAppClassLoader functionality from appserv-webtier to core - complete
Tasks for Milestone 2
- Servlet 2.5 - Amy, believed complete
- JSP 2.1 - Kin-Man, believed complete
- Grizzly - Jeanfrancois, believed complete
- SSL support - Oleksi, complete
- integration work - Jeanfrancois, 1 week
- Move WebContainer/related utils from appserv-core and create a new web module - Amy
- Injection manager support - depends on Mahesh's Injection Manager light - Amy
Tasks for Milestone 3
- Integrate jMaki 1.0 to v3 update center - Carla
- Integrate JSF 1.2 to v3 update center - Ryan
- Integrate PHP - Jeanfrancois, Kin-man
- Implementation and Integration - 2 weeks.
- jRuby - Pramod Gopinath
- Simple CGI Support - Amy, believed complete
- comet/cometd support - Jeanfrancois
Tasks for TP2
- Bugfixes for R1 Release - 0 P1, 0 P2, all P3 evaluated
Tasks for First Public Draft -
- JSF 2.0 Spec Tasks
- 273-EZComp Make JSF Components much easier to develop
- 293-Ajax First class support for Ajax in JSF 2.0
- Servlet 3.0 Spec Tasks - TBD - AI Rajiv
Tasks for v3 EA
- JSF Spec Impl
- 273-EZComp Make JSF Components much easier to develop
- 293-Ajax First class support for Ajax in JSF 2.0
- FastCGI
- Web Container pluggability - Amy
- additional performance work (SpecWeb certified) - mostly in Coyote - Jeanfrancois
- Byte buffer changes - Jeanfrancois
- add new domain.xml elements (improved tuning EOU) - Jan & Jeanfrancois
- improved mapping of roles to groups - Shing-Wai (Rajiv will coordinate)
- Improved EL error handling in JSP pages - Kin-Man
- Port unification
- Jeanfrancois AI, is it required, Oct 10
Tasks for v3 Beta & Proposed Final Draft Tasks for final freeze Tasks for FCS