TP release (January to March, 10 week, assuming 2.5 resources on deployment) 10 x 2.5 = 25 weeks
- v3 deployment client (10 weeks)
- Set up v3 deployment client framework. We will keep the DeploymentFacility/JESProgressObject client framework. Individual threads will still be spawned for various user actions (deploy, undeploy etc), but the implementation of these actions will be replaced by using REST API. This will allow the currrent deployment client which uses the DeploymentFacility API to have minimal changes and make it easy to re-implement JSR88 client with ProgressObject (3 weeks)
- Support admin-cli client, implement deploy/undeploy command, and upload (2 weeks)
- Support admin-gui client (1 week)
- Support netbeans client (1 week)
- Support autodeploy client (1 week)
- Support JSR88 client (2 weeks)
- v3 deployment backend (10 weeks)
- Additional work on WebDeployer once web container interface is ready (1 week)
- Provide necessary support for PersistenceDeployer, WebServiceDeployer (1 week)
- Provide necessary support for EjbDeployer (1 week)
- Provide necessary support for v3 InjectionManager. (1 week)
- Fix any remaining issue in current v3 backend (2 week)
- Continue moving v2 server side logic to v3 (deployer, loader, phases), and also break them into various deployers (4 weeks)
- Scoping out the new feature and write PCD (3 weeks)
- Write Deployment functional spec (2 weeks)
Other tasks
- Implement enabe/disable cli command
- appclient work