Changes to the Product Version



It is becoming more and more obvious that should we use one version string for all
the distributions of the application server. This is more important because 9.1 is a sort
of transition release and if we don't do it now, it won't be easy in future. The principal
reasons behind this motivation are:
1. Reflecting the availability of single application server code
2. Profile driven runtime selection, the runtimes being available in most/all distributions
3. Avoiding the confusion resulting from editions, since the application server code is going to be available everywhere.

Whereas we are still working on the actual version string, the basic principles need to be
nailed down. So, what is being proposed is __to remove the "Edition" specific information from
the version string.__

Thus, the verbose version of any application server distribution will be

Sun Java System Application Server X.Y_Z (build bN)

__(The current product name (as of GlassFish V3, March 2008) is: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server)

X: Major Version (Positive Integer)
Y: Minor Version (Positive Integer)
Z: Update Release Number (e.g. 01 => Update Release 1, 02 => Update Release 2 ...)
N: Build ID (Positive Integer)
(In short, other things remain same).

This will be reflected in all the interfaces of application server, namely:
1. The public com.sun.appserv.server.util.Version class.
2. The AMX interfaces.
3. JSR-77 MBean(s).
4. asadmin version -v command. (It will also show up in Admin GUI)

(all of the above depend on one source, so there is no duplication of code).


Task Details Owner
Changing build time properties Following values should be used: brand_name=Sun Application Server (this is not used anywhere) product_name=Sun Java System Application Server abbrev_product_name=sun-appserver (this is reflected on each log record) __A typical log statement would be: ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278952397328~UWC_TOKEN_END|Dinesh
Remove overriding properties in appserv-core-ee/appserv-core/src/java... This file needs to be removed (Actually we have made the properties to have the same values, instead of removing it) Dinesh

See 6499302. These changes are made so that they will be available in %%(background-color:red;)




The important parts are:
* major version  (specific to a major release, e.g. 8, 9 ...)
* minor version  (specific to a minor release, e.g. 1, 2 ...)
* build id       (specific to a build: e.g. b[x]yz-milestone, where
                  x, y, z are build numbers and "milestone" is an
                  arbitrary string like: "ea", "beta", "rc", "fcs"

The product name is subject to change.