Document: VersioningDesignDocument

Reviewer: Arun Gupta

Review date: May 19, 2010

Response date: May 19 - 21, please see details in the forum discussion

Item Type Comment Response
General Clarification The real benefits of versioning needs to be clearly defined. If only one version of an application is going to remain enabled at a given time, what use case does it serve ? Is it possible to keep another version of application available in non-production or test mode ? And then when enough testing has been done then roll it to production/enable mode ?  
General Clarification AIU rolling back and forward to a new version will save the precious deployment time. What is the differential between new deployment or switching to the old/new version ?  
General Clarification The purpose of --name attribute is not clear, is it mandatory ? Why can't it be derived from the archive name ? Do the deployable archive names need to be different ?  
General Clarification Do the archive names need to be same if the redeployed version is same ?  
General Clarification Some more details on how/where the internal versions are stored will be helpful.  
5.4 Clarification Says "If the currently enabled version isn't matched by the expression, the command will result in a no-operation." I think the no-op will return an error message.  
General Clarification "asadmin disable foo:" will disable the untagged version as well, right ? This will be in sync with "undeploy foo:". If so, then this should be documented.  
General Clarification What is the use case of creating application ref ?  
6, 2nd scenario Clarification Do deploying a new version automatically enable it as well ?  
8.2.1 Clarification should the error message be "Version foo:2 not registred" or "Version foo:2 not deployed" ? Ditto for 8.2.2.