Contents Previous Next WEB Messages ----WEB0100 Loading web module 0 in virtual server 1 at 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0101 Error loading web module 0 in virtual server 1: 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0102 This web container has already been started Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0103 This web container has not yet been started Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0104 A web container has not been created for the server configuration Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0105 An error occurred while starting the web container Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0106 An error occurred while stopping the web container Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0107 An error occurred while parsing the server configuration Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0108 extra-class-path component 0 is not a valid pathname Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0109 Property 0 is not yet supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0110 Ignoring invalid property 0 = 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0111 Enabling file-based persistence for web module 0''s sessions Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0112 This web container was unable to load application 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0113 Virtual server 0 already has a web module loaded at 1; therefore web module 2 cannot be loaded at this context path on this virtual server. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0114 SSO is disabled in virtual server 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0115 Error in SSO configuration: 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0116 Using alternate deployment descriptor 0 for web module 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0117 Error loading web module 0 in virtual server 1: 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0118 Error in Applications configuration. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0119 Error in HttpService configuration. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0120 Cannot load policy file. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0121 Enabled session ID reuse for web module 0 in virtual server 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0122 Cannot map admin application to virtual-server. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0123 WebModule 0 failed to deploy and has been disabled: 1. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0124 Property element in sun-web.xml has null 'name' or 'value' Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0125 class-loader attribute dynamic-reload-interval in sun-web.xml not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0126 Failed to parse sun-web.xml singleThreadedServletPoolSize property value (0) of web module deployed at 1, using default (2) Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0127 Web module 0 is not loaded in virtual server 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0128 Invalid Session Management Configuration for app 0 - defaulting to memory: persistence-type = 1 / persistenceFrequency = 2 / persistenceScope = 3 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0129 Invalid Session Management Configuration for non-distributable app 0 - defaulting to memory: persistence-type = 1 / persistenceFrequency = 2 / persistenceScope = 3 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0130 Enabling ha-based persistence for web module 0''s sessions: persistence-type = 1 / persistenceFrequency = 2 / persistenceScope = 3 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0131 Enabling no persistence for web module 0''s sessions: persistence-type = 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0132 Error creating from 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0133 Failed to read attribute 0 from MBean 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0134 Host names specified in allowRemoteHost property of virtual server 0 will not be matched because DNS lookups have been disabled Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0135 Host names specified in denyRemoteHost property of virtual server 0 will not be matched because DNS lookups have been disabled Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0136 Virtual server 0 has a property with missing name or value Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0137 Invalid redirect property value 0: Contains more than one 1 element Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0138 Invalid redirect property value 0: Missing from element Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0139 Invalid redirect property value 0: Either url or url-prefix must be specified Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0140 Invalid redirect property value 0: Contains both url and url-prefix elements Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0141 Invalid redirect property value 0: escape must be equal to yes or no Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0142 Invalid send-error property value 0: Contains more than one 1 element Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0143 Invalid send-error property value 0: Missing path element Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0144 Invalid redirect URL 0: Impossible to URL encode Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0137 Schema updater error Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0141 0 Could not obtain viable connection to HADB Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0142 0 verify HADB is running and accessible over the network Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0143 0 verify session store is configured correctly in HADB Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0144 Unable to open connection to HA Store: 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0145 HADB persistence operation failed Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0146 HADB connection pool not defined or user, password or serverList are null Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0150 HADB Health Check - Configuration Error - check configuration settings Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0151 HADB Health Check - error configuring HADB agent connection url Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0152 HADB Health Check - error configuring HADB agent password Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0153 HADB Health Check - error configuring HADB agent port Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0154 HADB Health Check - error configuring HADB agent hosts Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0155 HADB Health Check - error configuring HADB database name Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0156 HADB Health Check - Warning - HADB is non-operational Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0157 HADB Health Check - Warning - HADB is now operational Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0158 HADB Health Check - Warning - HADB tables missing - please recreate Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0200 Configuration error in web module 0 (while initializing virtual server 1) Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0201 The web module 0 has been designated as the default web module for virtual server 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0202 Error looking up the configuration information of virtual server 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0203 Error looking up the configuration information of the default web module 0 of virtual server 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0204 The default web module 0 is either disabled or does not specify virtual server 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0205 Configuration error in applications module (while initializing virtual server 1) Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0300 Creating VS 0 @docroot 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0301 Creating Listener @port 0 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0302 Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0303 Stopping Sun-Java-System/Application-Server. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0304 Unsupported http-service property (0) is being ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0305 HTTP listener's proxy port is not a numeric string Solution: Check to see if the value of the HTTP listener's server-name attribute contains a colon, and if so, make sure the name component following the colon is a numeric string. ----WEB0306 Unable to parse redirect-port (0) attribute of http-listener 1, using default: 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0307 All SSL protocol variants disabled for http-listener 0, using SSL implementation specific defaults Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0308 All SSL cipher suites disabled for http-listener 0, using SSL implementation specific defaults Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0309 Unrecognized cipher: 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0310 Unable to parse acceptor-threads attribute (0) of http-listener 1, using default: 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0311 default-virtual-server (0) referenced by HTTP listener 1 does not match virtual server (2) in whose http-listeners attribute the HTTP listener is listed Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0312 virtual server 0 does not have any docroot Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0313 Unable to parse port number 0 of http-listener 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0314 virtual server 0 has an invalid docroot 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0315 Two or more virtual servers associated with the same HTTP listener share the same host name. Solution: Make sure that the sets of host names of all virtual servers associated with the same HTTP listener are disjunct. ----WEB0316 Unable to convert timeout-in-seconds attribute value (0) of keep-alive element to int, using default: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0317 Unable to convert max-connections attribute value (0) of keep-alive element to int, using default: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0318 Unable to convert thread-count attribute value (0) of keep-alive element to int, using default: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0318 Invalid max-pending-count attribute value: (0). Using default 1. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0319 Invalid receive-buffer-size-in-bytes attribute value: (0). Using default 1. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0320 Invalid send-buffer-size-in-bytes attribute value: (0). Using default 1. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0321 http-file-cache element not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0322 Unable to load ProxyHandler implementation class 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0323 0 not an instance of com.sun.appserv.ProxyHandler Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0324 Missing end delimiter in access log pattern: 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0325 Invalid component: 0 in access log pattern: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0326 Access log buffer size (0) too small to hold single access log entry, doubling buffer capacity Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0327 Unsupported http-listener property (0) is being ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0328 Invalid request-processing thread-count (0) is being ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0329 Invalid request-processing initial-thread-count (0) is being ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0330 Invalid request-processing request-timeout-in-seconds (0) is being ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0331 Invalid request-processing thread-increment (0) is being ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0332 Invalid request-processing header-buffer-length-in-bytes (0) is being ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0333 Unable to rename access log file 0 to 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0334 Invalid queue-size-in-bytes attribute value: (0). Using default 1. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0334 http-file-cache attribute hash-init-size not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0335 http-listener attribute family not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0336 http-listener attribute blocking-enabled not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0337 http-listener attribute external-port not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0338 http-protocol attribute ssl-enabled not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0339 http-protocol attribute version not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0400 Unable to set request encoding Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0401 Illegal session cookie name (0), using the standard 1 instead Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0402 POST data too large Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0500 default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element has been deprecated and is being ignored. Use default-charset attribute of parameter-encoding element instead Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0501 Error processing request received on ad-hoc path 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0502 No ad-hoc servlet configured to process ad-hoc path 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0600 WebModule 0 failed to deploy and has been disabled: 1. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0601 Missing default web.xml, using application web.xml only Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0602 Missing default-web.xml, using application web.xml only Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0603 Parse error in default-web.xml Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0604 Error closing default-web.xml Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0605 No Realm has been configured to authenticate against Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0606 Cannot load authenticators mapping list Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0607 Cannot configure an authenticator for method 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0608 Cannot instantiate an authenticator of class 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0609 Configured an authenticator for method 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0700 Error initializing socket factory Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0701 Error initializing endpoint Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0702 Error starting endpoint Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0703 Initializing Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0704 Error reading request, ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0705 IOException reading request Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0706 IOException reading request, ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0707 SocketException reading request Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0708 SocketException reading request, ignored Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0709 Attribute 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0710 Attribute 0: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB07011 Error initializing socket factory Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0712 Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0713 Stopping Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0714 Pausing Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0715 Error pausing endpoint Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0716 Resuming Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0717 Error resuming endpoint Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0750 Invalid selectorTimeout value Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0751 Invalid maxAcceptWorkerThread value Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0752 Invalid minWorkerThreads value Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0753 Invalid maxConnections value Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0754 Invalid maxReadWorkerThread value Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0755 Invalid pools.size number Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0756 Caught exception during HTTP processing. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0757 Exception during enableChannelRegistration Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0758 SSL Handshake exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0759 Http listener 0: Maximum HTTP Connection reached. Increase maxConnections: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0760 Unable to close key Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0761 Caught exception trying to close socket. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0762 Caught exception trying to unlock accept on Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0763 Null socket returned by accept Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0764 Wrong socket permissions 0 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0765 http-listener 0 shutdown due to exception: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0766 Reinitializing ServerSocket Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0767 Restarting http-listener Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0768 http-listener 0 ignored exception: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0769 Exception when registering http-listener 0 mbeans Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0770 Exception when deregistering http-listener 0 mbeans Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0771 Exception when initializing monitoring for http-listener 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0772 Exception when handling HTTP connection Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0773 Invalid acceptor-thread value 0. The acceptor-thread value must be greater than 1. Using the default value 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0774 Error stopping http-listener 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0775 Error processing HTTP request Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0776 Caught exception during NIO deregistration Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0777 Unblocking keep-alive exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0778 Error creating internal request Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0779 Request keep-alibe timeout Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0780 HTTP Processing error Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0781 Error finishing request Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0782 Error finishing response Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0783 Error commiting response Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0784 Exception getting SSL attributes Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0785 Exception getting SSL Cert Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0786 Unknown filter Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0787 Error intializing filter 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0788 Error registering request Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0789 Error unregistering request Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB0799 HTTP processing exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB1001 An illegal encoding was used to parse parameters Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB1002 An IOException occurred while trying to read POST data Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB2001 Web application service failed Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3004 The Application server could not initialize the native HTTP service. This could be cause by a misconfiguration, or a internal failure. Cause: It is also possible that the native library has been found missing. Solution: Check that the HttpService configuration is valid. Examine the message reported by the native HTTP service for clues. Verify that the following needed libraries are present in the Application Servers's lib directory. If the problem persists, contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----WEB3005 The Application server could not start the native HTTP service. This could be cause by a misconfiguration, or a internal failure. Cause: It is also possible that the native library has been found missing. Solution: Check that the HttpService configuration is valid. Examine the message reported by the native HTTP service for clues. Verify that the following needed libraries are present in the Application Servers's lib directory. If the problem persists, contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----WEB3006 The file is missing. Solution: Check that the file is present in the Application Server's lib directory, or if enabled in the Library Path. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----WEB3007 This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. Solution: Please correct the format. ----WEB5001 Exception in Authenticate() of RealmAdapter. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB5002 Exception in handleBeforeEvent. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB5003 Exception in handleAfterEvent. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB5004 Exception in preInvoke of WebContainerListener. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB5005 Exception in postInvoke of WebContainerListener. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB5006 Exception in SSLSocketFactory constructor 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB5007 Exception during handling of 0 event Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB8074 Exception. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB8080 Unable to register 0 with monitoring registry Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3001 The Application Server was unable to instantiate the Acess Log Rotator Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3002 Received unexpected exception while adding certificates valve Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3003 Received unexpected exception while retrieving server config objects Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3008 Initializing httpservice monitoring Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3009 Initializing httpservice monitoring ... done Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3010 Restarting httpservice monitoring Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3011 Restarting httpservice monitoring ... done Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3012 HttpService monitoring could initialize stats unmarshaller Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3013 HttpService monitoring not initialized Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3014 Received exception while initializing httpservice monitoring Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3015 Received exception while updating httpservice statistics cache Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3016 Received exception while updating httpservice monitoring beans Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3017 Received exception while reconfiguring httpservice monitoring beans Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3018 Httpservice statistic unmarshaller found incosistent number of virtual servers Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3019 Httpservice statistics unmarshaller found inconsitencies on virtual server profiles Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3020 HttpSerice could not start access log rotation Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3021 HttpSerice could not stop access log rotation Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3022 HttpService Processor received exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3023 HttpService got bad cookie name 0 value 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3024 HttpServiceWebContainer constructed Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3025 HttpService monitoring: parameter cache enable is invalid 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3026 HttpService monitoring: setting cache enabled to true Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3027 HttpService monitoring: invalid cache refresh 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3028 HttpService monitoring: disabling cache monitoring Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3029 HttpService config: current Virtual Server is 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3030 HttpService config: adding new Virtual Server 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3031 HttpService config: Invalid docroot 1 for virtual server 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3032 HttpService config: Created virtual server 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3033 Removing hosts from tomcat Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3034 Deleting Virtual Server 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3035 HttpService received exception in destroy context 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3036 HttpService: Context 0 undeployed from VS 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3037 HttpService: Create new instance of HttpServiceWebContainer Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3038 HttpService: Starting HttpService instance Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3039 HttpService: Stopping HttpService instance Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3040 Initializing HttpService Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3041 Initializing HttpService ... done Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3042 Starting HttpService Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3043 Starting HttpService ... done Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3044 Reconfiguring HttpService Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3045 Reconfiguring HttpService ... done Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3046 Stopping HttpService Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3047 Stopping HttpService ... done Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3048 HttpService: Received exception while stoping HttpService Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3049 HttpService: Configured to skip NSS initialization Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB03050 HttpService access log format is missing a percentage (%) Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3051 Unable to parse port number 0 of http-listener 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3052 Security-enabled on http-listener does not take effect without setting ssl-enabled on http-protocol Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3054 The acceptor-thread value 0 is too high for system resources, using value (10) Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3055 The acceptor-thread value 0 is being interpreted as 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3056 Required attribute cert-nickname not set. Using default (s1as) cert-nickname Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3057 SSL2 Ciphers 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3058 SSL3 Ciphers 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3059 J2EE Native Connector is 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3060 Processing property Name 0 Value 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3061 HttpService: Unhandled pipeline exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3061 HttpService accesslog rotation: Rotation by size not supported Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3062 HttpService: Disabling accesslog rotation Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3063 HttpService: unknown accesslog rotation type 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3064 HttpService: Setting interval rotation value to default Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3065 HttpService: accesslog rotation interval invalid 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3066 HttpService: stats constructor got unexpected exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3067 HttpService: Registering stats objects Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3068 HttpService: Registering stats objects ... done Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3069 HttpService: Received exception while registering stats objects Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3070 HttpService: Received exception while unregistering stats objects Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3071 HttpService: Deleting ssl config Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3072 HttpService: Updating ssl config Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3073 HttpService: Creating ssl config Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3074 HttpService: Deleting HttpAccessLog Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3075 HttpService: Updating HttpAccessLog Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3076 HttpService: Creating HttpAccessLog Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3077 HttpService: Could not get domain Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3078 HttpService: Reconfig failed Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3079 HttpService: Could not obtain native accesslog rotator Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3080 HttpService: Could not obtain accesslog ration configuration Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3081 HttpService: Could not stop rotator Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3082 HttpService: Could not restart rotator Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3083 HttpService: Could not translate local address to a hostname. Returning IP address. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3084 HttpService: Could not obtain location from default webmodule Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----WEB3085 Restart required. Use of system property before restart is not permitted. Dynamic reconfiguration did not happen Cause: TBD Solution: TBD Contents Previous Next