This page is the management dashboard that covers JSF development for delivery in GlassFish 3.2.  It covers both the specification work for JSR-344 JSF 2.2, and the accompanying source code in Mojarra trunk, which will serve as the RI.

JSR-344 JSF 2.2 Specification Work

The JSF 2.2 specification was filed along with EE 7 specs, but it is slated for completion along with GlassFish 3.2, currently planned by end of CY2011.  It's main goals are: Ease of Development, Portlet Integration, New Features, and Fixes.  An unstated, and secondary goal, is to refactor JSF apis for use in other specs, most notably JSR-339 JAX-RS, JSR-303 Bean Validation, and any potential State Management standard.

Metadata for this Work

Tasks for this Work

60% of the tasks completed
Form Expert Group Medium
Identify project planning tool - JIRA Medium
Organize Issues Medium
--Identify issue buckets Medium
Revise public homepage for 2.2 effort Medium

Issue Organization

A key task of the specification work is organizing the issues so the work can be scheduled to be completed over time.  The approach we have been using over the past few iterations of the spec is to define issue buckets and assign issue captains to each bucket from the EG.

Issue Buckets

  • Grouped by circumstance
    • Previously marked WONTFIX
    • Dropped on the floor by previous iterations of the spec
  • Grouped by customer
  • Grouped by sub-component as listed in issuetracker
  • Grouped by JSR bucket: Ease of Development, Portlet Integration, New Features, Fixes

Mojarra 2.2 Implementation Work