WebTier V2 SQE Schedule

Also, see the Main Schedule

  • Vacations:
    • Tuong - Last 2 weeks of Dec.
  • General tasks:
    • Tuong (tuongn)
      • Overhead - 10%
      • Test execution, result and failure analysis - 15%
      • Multiple versions (8.1, 8.2, 9.0, 9.1) of SQE test workspaces maintenance - 25%
      • Cross-functional teams (Sustaining, Compatibility, JES Pre-int,...) support - 10%
  • SQE tasks (Develop and automate tests):
    • bug id 983 - 1 day - p1 - sep 22 (DONE) - appserver-sqe\pe\tomcat\http_file_cache
    • Configure http file cache, then making multiple http requests and ensuring that the subsequent renderings are coming from the cache - 2 days - p1 - sep 29 (DONE) - appserver-sqe\pe\tomcat\stress\file_cache
    • FileCache mishandles keep-alives request - bug id 1133 - 2 days - p1 - oct 27 (DONE) - appserver-sqe\pe\tomcat\http_file_cache
    • Make 100+ concurrent http request, then monitor for any degradation or corruptions to the response and also monitor for any socket leaks - 4 days - p1 - nov 3 (DONE) - appserver-sqe\pe\tomcat\stress\https
    • FileCache locking of static resource on Win32 - bug id 979 - 2 days - p1 - nov 10 (DONE) - appserver-sqe\pe\tomcat\http_file_cache
    • Add https stress testing - bug id 6499326 - 1 week - p1 - Jan 5, 07 (DONE)
    • Upgrade the 1000+ existing Tomcat/webtier SQE tests to use https - bug id 6499326 - 10 weeks - p2
    • For each Grizzly configuration option change, run the SQE QuickLook tests, then monitor for the memory and socket leaks - p2
    • Configure the virtual servers, listeners and verify that they are dynamically set and used - 2 days - p2
    • Simulating load traffic onto port 8080 or 4848 - bug id 677 - 2 days - p2
    • Verify the monitoring mechanism by adding then removing the virtual servers - 2 days - p2
    • Apache mod_jk, AJP Connector testing (setup & configuration) - 2 days - p2
    • Add support for alternate docroots (virtual-directory-mapping) - bug id 948 - 5 days - p2
    • Resetting default web module requires restarting - bug id 463 - 2 days - p2
    • IP address in protocol redirected - bug id 1677 - 2 days - p2
    • protocol redirect, app is getting redirected - bug id 1678 - 2 days - p2
    • Class loader leaks - bug id 332801 - 2 days - p3
    • Grizzly configurations aren't applied - bug id 464 - 2 days - p3
    • SSL socket leaks - bug id 746 - p3
    • NPE /w ServletOutputStream in 9.1SE - bug id 6440605 - 2 days - p3
    • bug id 462 - 1 day - p3
    • Make some good and some rogue (i.e. wrong content-length) http requests, verify that the server won't go down (or doing Denial-Of-Services) - 3 days - p3
    • Extra classpath attribute in class-loader should allow path relative to docroot - bug id 904 - 2 days - p3
    • Port SJSWS GAT (900+) tests to run on AS 9.1 - p3
      • 1st 150 tests - 5 days
      • 2nd 150 tests - 5 days
      • 3rd 150 tests - 5 days
      • 4th 150 tests - 5 days
      • 5th 150 tests - 5 days
      • 6th 150 tests - 5 days
    • Port SJSWS WebDAV tests to run on SJSAS - 4 weeks - p3