Hi all,

This is the third FishCAT weekly status report for glassfish v3 prelude.

FishCAT looks:

  • We have been testing b24 since 9/11.
  • FishCAT members filed 19 bugs (9/11-9/20), 19 bugs
  • Many FishCAT members reviewed quick start guide and filed several doc issues.

FishCAT says

  • Thanks everyone for filing issues, posting questions on email alias.
  • Sebastien, Adam and Wolfram are the top 3 bug submitters, thanks to your continous effort!
  • Jack tested update tool from Japan by using different O/S and reported network slowness.
  • Wim, Sebastien, Jack and many other FishCAT members reviewed quick start guide and filed several doc issues.
  • Biyue and Hong Tao from China University tested admin GUI and admin GUI online help. They gave detailed report to list all the issues they found.

Our FishCAT program will officially finish on 9/22. Documentation review will continue until 9/30. Thank you all for participating in FishCAT testing, since August 20th, FishCAT member opened total 97 issues. (4 P1, 16P2, 72P3, 3P4, 2P5). A complete report of bugs filed by FishCAT members can be found here. Query

Testing of V3 Prelude continues, bugs filed after 9/22 may be differed to next release based on the priority.

This is a great community effort. Thanks to many developers help to answer questions and thanks to SQEs worked so hard to answer posts and pre test promoted builds.

fishcat-v3-bugs.html.pdf (application/pdf)