WikiForms Form Plugin Example

This page uses the WikiForms plugins to provide parameters to the CurrentTimePlugin,
and displays the result.

Giving Defaults

The first item, hidden in normal WikiPage viewing, looks like this:

[{FormSet form='testform' format='EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z' rd1='r2'}]


Unknown macro: {FormSet form='testform' format='EEE, d MMM yyyy HH}


Unknown macro: {FormSetform='testform'format='EEE,dMMMyyyyHH}


Unknown macro: {FormOutput form='testform' handler='CurrentTimePlugin' populate='handler'}



It specifies that the CurrentTimePlugin, which comes in the stock JSPWiki distribution, should be used to generate
some output to display here. While the output is usually built in response to a POST from a form called testform, the populate attribute here hints the plugin that we want default information even if no post has been made. This is
what the output looks like:



Opening the Form

The third element starts the actual HTML form called testform:

[{FormOpen form='testform'}]


Unknown macro: {FormOpen form='testform'}


Form Fields

We'll use a text field to provide the format of CurrentTimePlugin's output. Notice that the name of this field is format - the name of CurrentTimePlugin's relevant parameter. This value is passed straight to CurrentTimePlugin on submit:

Enter the time format string: [{FormInput type='text' name='format'}]

Enter the time format string: [

Unknown macro: {FormInput type='text' name='format'}


The rest of the form merely demonstrates some other HTML form elements. The don't work with CurrentTimePlugin, but you'll probably want them in your special form handler plugins.

Select list:

[{FormSelect name='sel1' value='fee;*fie;foe;foo'}]UWC_TOKEN_DBBS

(Notice, here, the asterisk; this denotes the default value to select. The separator character and the default character can be overridden - check FormSelect for more information.)


Unknown macro: {FormSelect name='sel1' value='fee;*fie;foe;foo'}



[{FormTextarea name='area1' value='Write your own text here' rows=8 cols=40}]


Unknown macro: {FormTextarea name='area1' value='Write your own text here' rows=8 cols=40}



Before finishing up, we need to add a submit button:

[{FormInput type='submit' name='x' value='Update'}]


Unknown macro: {FormInput type='submit' name='x' value='Update'}


Closing the Form

And, finally, an invisible closing element to denote that this form has ended:



Go ahead, click on Update, and notice how your format changes and selections are retained.


  • (Optional) Start with the FormSet, give defaults
  • (Optional) If the form is supposed to give out information, add an output
  • (Mandatory) open the form
  • (Optional) add any text/select elements
  • (Mandatory) add a submit
  • (Mandatory) close the form