Q1: What is happening?

On Friday Feb 15th we will be changing occurrences of "glassfish3" in GlassFish 4 to "glassfish4" (as well as cleaning up other references to variations of glassfish 3). In particular we will be changing the name of the default installation directory used by the build and zip bundles from "glassfish3" to "glassfish4".

Q2: When is this happening?

We are targeting Friday Feb 15th. That date could change if things don't go as expected.

Q3: Why are you telling me?

You likely have scripts, shell aliases, etc that use "glassfish3". This is giving you a heads up that this change is coming so you can be more prepared when the change is checked in.

Q4: Why wasn't this done earlier in the release?

Good question. Ideally this change would have been made once the GlassFish 4 trunk was established. But it was not, so we're doing it now.

Q5: Why change it to "glassfish4"? Why not change it to "glassfish" and avoid the problem in the future?

Because this change is coming in late in the release we have chosen to minimize the change as much as possible and keep the major number in the name. Removing the major number from the name opens up additional discussions, and possibly a need to have the proposal reviewed at asarch – and we simply don't have time for that.

Q6: Will you be updating tests?

We will make appropriate changes in GF and Nucleus quick look tests as well as the admin dev tests.