1. Native virtualization tbd once we figure out how to use VirtualBox on the mac. 2. Virtualization through libvirt. This will allow a Mac OS client machine to control machines running on linux with KVM or Xen hypervisor. Note that it is doubtful that we will ever support such a solution but I provide the steps as a convenience for users who which to continue using their Macs for development. 2.1 Build it yourself. 2.1.1 Dependencies *libgpgerror, 1.7: ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgpg-error/libgpg-error-1.7.tar.gz *libgcrypt, 1.4.5: ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgcrypt/libgcrypt-1.4.5.tar.gz *gnutls, 2.8.5: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gnutls/gnutls-2.8.5.tar.bz2 *libvirt, 0.7.5: ftp://libvirt.org/libvirt/libvirt-0.7.5.tar.gz Compile libgpgerror:
tar -xzvf libgpg-error-1.7.tar.gz
cd libgpg-error-1.7
sudo make install
Compile libgcrypt:
tar -xzvf libgcrypt-1.4.5.tar.gz
cd libgcrypt-1.4.5
./configure --disable-asm
sudo make install
Compile gnutls:
tar -xzvf gnutls-2.8.5.tar.bz2
cd gnutls-2.8.5
sudo make install
2.1.2 Compiling libvirt Download the sources from http://libvirt.org/sources I used 0.8.8
configure --prefix=/
sudo make install
2.2 Install it from Homebrew/macports 2.2.1 Homebrew I have not tried these procedures, if it works, please update wiki. It is already officially in OSX Homebrew. http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/ So, you can install it and "things work" just by doing: $ brew install Though, you need Homebrew set up on your system. 2.2.2 MacPorts Still under review : https://trac.macports.org/ticket/28161 2.3 Install Mac/fuse You need to install Mac Fuse to be able to create/mount ext2 disks (which are linux disks). *Download mac fuse from there *Download the mac fuse ext2 module from here 2.4 Add your user name to the sudoers. Change /etc/sudoers and uncomment the tow lines below :
# Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
# Same thing without a password
Add yourself to the wheel group sudo dscl . -append /Groups/wheel GroupMembership yourusername Verify, it should not ask for your password. sudo ls |