NOTE : I see four dashes instead of two dashes for attribute representation in many places of the document. FYI. Page 259, first paragraph : < Additionally, leaked statements can be closed and so reclaimed automatically > Additionally, leaked statements can be reclaimed automatically < Reclaim Leaked Statements for the JDBC connection pool to a truevalue in one of the following > Reclaim Leaked Statements for the JDBC connection pool to a true value in one of the following Page 259 : Remove the below paragraphs as GUI does not support the new JDBC/Connector features in 3.1 : The LeakTimeout LeakReclaim option shown in the GUI is for Connection Leak Timeout and Connection Leak Reclaim features "Enter a Leak Timeout value in the Edit JDBC Connection Pool Advanced Attributes page in the Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button in the Administration Console." "Enable the Leak Reclaim option in the Edit JDBC Connection Pool Advanced Attributes page in the Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button in the Administration Console." Page 261 : < When SQL statement tracing is enabled, GlassFish Server maintains a tracing cache of recent queries and their frequency of use. Two JDBC connection pool properties control this cache < and the monitoring statistics available from it: > When SQL statement tracing and jdbc-connection-pool monitoring are enabled, GlassFish Server maintains a tracing cache of recent queries and their frequency of use. > Following JDBC connection pool properties can be configured to control this cache and the monitoring statistics available from it Page 262 : < This constraint can be removed by enabling transparent JDBC connection pool reconfiguration. > This restriction can be avoided by enabling transparent JDBC connection pool reconfiguration. Page 262 : > Instead, requests for a new connections, except those from in-flight transactions,are blocked until the reconfiguration operation completes. Then, connections are created using > the pool's new configuration. < Instead, requests for new connections are blocked until the reconfiguration operation completes. Any in-flight transaction's connection request is served with old pool configuration < so as to complete the transaction. Then, connections are created using the pool's new configuration and any blocked connection requests are served with connections from the re-created pool. Page 268, Change the heading from : Using Application-Scoped Databases to : Using Application-Scoped Resources |