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JAX-WS Release Documentation

Table of Contents

1. Documentation
2. Software Licenses
3. Useful Links
Release Notes
1. Required Software
2. Installation Instructions
3. Running on top of JDK 6
4. Jar dependency
5. Current Limitations / Bugs / Issues
6. Changelog
Users Guide
1. Overview
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Features
1.3. Programming Model
1.4. Useful Information
2. Provider
2.1. Provider<Source> and PAYLOAD
2.2. Provider<SOAPMessage> and MESSAGE
2.3. Provider<Source> and MESSAGE
2.4. WSDL Customization
2.5. The sun-jaxws.xml file
2.6. Provider and Binding
2.7. RESTful Provider endpoints
2.8. Provider and Handlers
3. AsyncProvider
3.1. AsyncProvider Example
3.2. AsyncProvider sample
3.3. AsyncService sample
4. Dispatch
4.1. Programming Model
4.2. Dispatch and Asynchronous Invocations
5. Asynchronous Client
5.1. Asynchronous Invocation Using Static Stub
5.2. Asynchronous Invocation Using Dispatch
6. Handler
6.1. Handler Types
6.2. MessageContext
6.3. Handler Chain Configuration
6.4. Handler Samples
7. MTOM and Swaref
7.1. MTOM and XOP
7.2. MTOM in JAX-WS 2.0
7.3. swaRef
8. SOAP 1.2
8.1. Introduction
8.2. SOAP 1.2 Endpoint
8.3. Client
8.4. Samples
9. WSDL Customization
9.1. Declaring Customizations
9.2. Standard Customizations
10. Annotations
10.1. Overview
10.2. JSR 181 (Web Services Metadata) Annotations
10.3. JSR 224 (JAX-WS) Annotations
10.4. JSR 222 (JAXB) Annotations
10.5. JSR 250 (Common Annotations) Annotations
11. WS-Addressing
11.1. WS-Addressing in JAX-WS RI
11.2. Why WS-Addressing?
11.3. WS-Addressing Versions
11.4. Describing WS-Addressing in WSDL
11.5. Configuring Addressing on Endpoint
11.6. On the client side
11.7. When is WS-Addressing engaged?
11.8. Associating Action with an operation
12. Stateful Webservice
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Usage
12.3. Things To Consider
13. Catalog
13.1. Catalog Support
14. WAR File Packaging
14.1. The WAR Contents
14.2. The sun-jaxws.xml File
14.3. The web.xml File
15. Interoperability
16. Endpoint API
16.1. Endpoint
16.2. Endpoint and Properties
16.3. Endpoint and Binding
16.4. Endpoint and metadata
17. Modular Databinding
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Configure databinding for JVM
17.3. Configure databinding for an endpoint
18. External Web Service Metadata
18.1. Configuration files
18.2. XSD Schema
18.3. Passing Configuration Files to JAX-WS RI
1. Overview
1.1. How do I pick a tool?
1.2. Running tools on JDK6
1.3. Maven plugins
2. wsimport
2.1. wsimport Overview
2.2. Launching wsimport
2.3. wsimport Syntax
2.4. wsimport Example
3. wsimport Ant Task
3.1. wsimport Task Overview
3.2. Using wsimport Task
3.3. wsimport Examples
4. wsgen
4.1. wsgen Overview
4.2. Launching wsgen
4.3. wsgen Syntax
4.4. wsgen Example
5. wsgen Ant Task
5.1. wsgen Task Overview
5.2. Using wsgen Task
5.3. wsgen Task Examples
6. Annotation Processing
6.1. javac annotation processing
6.2. javac Annotation Processing Syntax
7. annotationProcessing Ant Task
7.1. annotationProcessing Task Overview
7.2. annotationProcessing Task Attributes
7.3. annotationProcessing Task Examples
7.4. Apt Ant task
8. apt
1. Does JAX-WS 2.0 support JAX-RPC 1.X?
2. What is the difference between JAX-RPC and JAX-WS ?
3. Can a JAX-WS and a JAX-RPC based service co-exist?
4. Is it downloadable from maven repository ?
5. How do I find out which version of the JAX-WS RI I'm using?
6. How can I change the Web Service address dynamically for a request ?
7. How do I do basic authentication in JAX-WS ?
8. Which standards are supported by JAXWS?
1. Sending and Receiving SOAP Headers
1.1. Sending SOAP Headers
1.2. Receiving SOAP Headers
2. Message logging
2.1. On the client
2.2. On the server side
3. Propagation of Server-side Stacktrace
3.1. Enabling propagation of Server-side stacktrace
1. Directory Structure
2. Prerequisites
3. Installing JAX-WS RI 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT
4. Running the sample