Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 8
The Java EE Tutorial

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Configuring WebSockets

To configure WebSockets for use in JSF web applications, first enable the WebSocket endpoint using the context parameter in web.xml:


If your server is configured to run a WebSocket container on a different TCP port than the HTTP container, you can use the optional javax.faces.WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_PORT integer context parameter to explicitly specify the port:


WebSocket Usage: Client Side

Declare the f:websocket tag in the JSF view with a channel name and an onmessage JavaScript listener function.

The following example refers to an existing JavaScript listener function:

<f:websocket channel="someChannel"
onmessage="someWebsocketListener" />

function someWebsocketListener(message, channel, event) { console.log(message);

<f:websocket channel="someChannel"

This example declares an inline JavaScript listener function:

<f:websocket channel="someChannel"
onmessage="function(m){console.log(m);}" />

The onmessage JavaScript listener function is invoked with three arguments:

  • message: The push message as a JSON object

  • channel: The channel name

  • event: The MessageEvent instance

When successfully connected, the WebSocket is open by default for as long as the document is open, and it will auto-reconnect, at increasing intervals, when the connection is closed, or aborted, as a result of events such as a network error or server restart. It will not auto-reconnect when the very first connection attempt fails. The WebSocket will be implicitly closed after the document is unloaded.

WebSocket Usage: Server Side

On the Java programming side, inject a PushContext using the @Push annotation on the given channel in any CDI or container managed artifact, such as @Named, or @WebServlet, where you want to send a push message. Then invoke PushContext.send(Object) with any Java object representing the push message.

For example:

@Inject @Push
private PushContext someChannel;
public void sendMessage(Object message) {

By default, the name of the channel is taken from the name of the variable into which the injection takes place.

Optionally, the channel name can be specified using the channel attribute. The following example injects the push context for channel name foo into a variable named bar.

@Inject @Push(channel="foo")private PushContext bar;

The message object will be encoded as JSON and delivered as a message argument of the onmessage JavaScript listener function associated with the channel name. It can be a String, but it can also be a collection, map, or a JavaBean.

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