Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 8
The Java EE Tutorial

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Overview of the HTTP Authentication Mechanism Interface

The HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface defines an SPI for writing authentication mechanisms that can be provided with an application and deployed using CDI. Developers can write their own implementations of HttpAuthenticationMechanism to support specific authentication token types or protocols. There are also several built-in authentication mechanisms that perform BASIC, FORM, and Custom FORM authentication.

The built-in authentication mechanisms are enabled and configured through the use of one of the following annotations:

  • BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition — implements BASIC authentication that conforms to the behavior of the servlet container when BASIC <auth-method> is declared in web.xml.

  • FormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition — implements FORM authentication that conforms to the behavior of the servlet container when the FORM <auth-method> is declared in web.xml.

  • CustomFormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition — implements a modified version of FORM authentication in which custom handling replaces the POST to j_security_check.

An implementation of HttpAuthenticationMechanism must be a CDI bean to be recognized and deployed at runtime, and is assumed to be normal scoped. During bean discovery, the servlet container looks for a bean that implements HttpAuthenticationMechanism — there should be only one per application — and, if found, arranges for it to be deployed to authenticate the application’s callers.

The servlet container leverages JASPIC, the Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers, to deploy authentication mechanisms. The container provides a JASPIC Server Auth Module (SAM) that can delegate to an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, and arranges for that "bridge" SAM to be registered with the JASPIC AuthConfigFactory. At runtime, normal JASPIC processing invokes the bridge SAM, which then delegates to the HttpAuthenticationMechanism to perform the authentication and drive any necessary dialog with the caller, or with third parties involved in the authentication protocol flow.

The HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface defines the following three methods, which correspond to the three methods defined by the JASPIC ServerAuth interface. When one of the JASPIC methods is invoked on the bridge SAM, it delegates to the corresponding method of the HttpAuthenticationMechanism. Although the method names are identical, the method signatures are not; the bridge SAM maps back and forth between the parameters passed to it by the JASPIC framework, and the parameters expected by an HttpAuthenticationMechanism.

  • validateRequest() — validate an incoming request and authenticates the caller.

  • secureResponse() — (optional if default is sufficient) secure a response message.

  • cleanSubject() — (optional if default is sufficient) clear the provided Subject of principals and credentials.

Only the validateRequest() method must be implemented by an HttpAuthenticationMechanism; the interface includes default implementations for secureResponse()` and cleanSubject() that will often be sufficient.

The following annotations can be used to add additional behaviors to an HttpAuthenticationMechanism:

  • AutoApplySession — indicates that the JASPIC registerSession functionality should be enabled such that the the caller’s authenticated identity is persisted in the caller’s servlet session.

  • LoginToContinue — mechanism to specify properties for FORM login — login page, error page, etc. The built-in FORM authentication mechanisms use LoginToContinue to configure the necessary parameters.

  • RememberMe — specifies that a RememberMe identity store should be used to enable RememberMe functionality for the authentication mechanism.

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