@MultipartConfig(location="/tmp", fileSizeThreshold=1024*1024,
maxFileSize=1024*1024*5, maxRequestSize=1024*1024*5*5)
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 8 The Java EE Tutorial |
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Supporting file uploads is a very basic and common requirement for many
web applications. In prior versions of the Servlet specification,
implementing file upload required the use of external libraries or
complex input processing. The Java Servlet specification now helps to
provide a viable solution to the problem in a generic and portable way.
Java Servlet technology now supports file upload out of the box, so any
web container that implements the specification can parse multipart
requests and make mime attachments available through the
A new annotation, javax.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig
, is used to
indicate that the servlet on which it is declared expects requests to be
made using the multipart/form-data
MIME type. Servlets that are
annotated with @MultipartConfig
can retrieve the Part
components of
a given multipart/form-data
request by calling the
request.getPart(String name)
or request.getParts()
The @MultipartConfig
annotation supports the following optional
: An absolute path to a directory on the file system. The
attribute does not support a path relative to the application
context. This location is used to store files temporarily while the
parts are processed or when the size of the file exceeds the specified
setting. The default location is ""
: The file size in bytes after which the file will
be temporarily stored on disk. The default size is 0 bytes.
: The maximum size allowed for uploaded files, in bytes.
If the size of any uploaded file is greater than this size, the web
container will throw an exception (IllegalStateException
). The default
size is unlimited.
: The maximum size allowed for a multipart/form-data
request, in bytes. The web container will throw an exception if the
overall size of all uploaded files exceeds this threshold. The default
size is unlimited.
For, example, the @MultipartConfig
annotation could be constructed as
@MultipartConfig(location="/tmp", fileSizeThreshold=1024*1024,
maxFileSize=1024*1024*5, maxRequestSize=1024*1024*5*5)
Instead of using the @MultipartConfig
annotation to hard-code these
attributes in your file upload servlet, you could add the following as a
child element of the servlet configuration element in the web.xml
The Servlet specification supports two additional HttpServletRequest
Collection<Part> getParts()
Part getPart(String name)
The request.getParts()
method returns collections of all Part
objects. If you have more than one input of type file, multiple Part
objects are returned. Because Part
objects are named, the
getPart(String name)
method can be used to access a particular Part
Alternatively, the getParts()
method, which returns an
, can be used to get an Iterator
over all the Part
The javax.servlet.http.Part
interface is a simple one, providing
methods that allow introspection of each Part
. The methods do the
Retrieve the name, size, and content-type of the Part
Query the headers submitted with a Part
Delete a Part
Write a Part
out to disk
For example, the Part
interface provides the write(String filename)
method to write the file with the specified name. The file can then be
saved in the directory that is specified with the location
of the @MultipartConfig
annotation or, in the case of the fileupload
example, in the location specified by the Destination field in the form.
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