Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2008
Jspwiki style: center
Attendees: Jane, Sreeni, Paul, Rajeshwar, Prashanth, Sankar, Lloyd, Anissa, Kedar Discussion Summary
- Doc Update from Paul:
- 9.1.1, Rajeev is the doc lead. He works from Bangalore so will not be able to attend the Admin iTeam meetings. Paul is representing the doc team for 9.1.1 in the iTeam meeting.
- GFv3, Paul is the doc lead. There will be a brain-storming session for GFv3 documentation. Will gather key participants to participate in the session. The session will be facilitated by individual writers but Paul will initiate the session. The schedule of the session will be out in the next 2 months.
- QA Update from Sankar:
- SailFin project: 90% of CLI testing of the new commands is done. There are no regressions. Couple bugs logged for the new commands. Next, Sankar will work on the automation of CLI tests, monitoring of SIP container and console features.
- Sankar will ask Judy about was is expected from QA in GFv3.
- Development Update:
- Sreeni: working on GFv3 Runtime Infrastructure. Worked with Kohsuke to come up with a prototype/preliminary design. Will send out the documentation and sample code for last week's presentation on Extension Point Design Pattern.
- Rajeshwar: worked on the GlassFish registration campaign. Banner is ready to be posted on the GlassFish webpages. Got approval from legal. The campaign is ready to go next week and it will last for 1.5 month.
- Prashanth: looking into monitoring for GFv3. The deadline is end of January so not much time.
- Lloyd: worked on porting SailFin bugs. Cleaned up MBean code.
- Kedar: was out sick last week for couple days. Working on 9.1.1 merge. Looking into DynamicConfig area. Also working on TP2 deliverables. Will be on a week vacation starting January 28.
- Jane: worked on 9.1.1 merge. Committed remote deployment feature in GFv3. Users can now deploy from the client using "asadmin deploy --upload=true/false <archive>"
- GFv3 Discussion:
- Kedar brought up that we need to know what are the deliverables for TP2. (AI) Sreeni will contact CTS team/QA/Jerome/others to find out what are the expected deliverables from the Admin team for TP2. Jane will take ownership of the list of commands deliverable for TP2 and will update this site.
- GFv3 Admin CLI Presentation:
- Jane presented the GFv3 Admin CLI. There were discussions on how to handle invalid options, using Manifest object, consistent return message and create-domain command. Jane will look into improving the Admin CLI to be consistent with v2. If there are any questions, feel free to contact Jane.