GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - DAS Recovery


Provide a DAS backup and recovery mechanism for GlassFish server deployments. This mechanism must be compatible with functionality available in V2.

Usage Scenarios

  • DAS host failure or hardware upgrade

Restore DAS to new host.

  • Corrupted DAS Configuration

Restore config to DAS.

  • Migrate DAS to a new host

Restore DAS to new host
Reconfig instances to locate DAS (or remap DNS/VIP entry)

  • Protection from patching, updating and new app deployment

Backup DAS. Restore old config/apps if necessary.


Feature ID Priority Description Eng Response Owner(s) Estimate (Man Days) Source of Requirement Status / Comments
DAS-001 P2 Support for backup-domain, restore-domain, list-backups Yes Yamini TBD Feature parity The v2 code has already been ported to v3.
DAS-002 P2 Backup/Restore destination: v2 location Yes Yamini TBD Feature parity No change in default dir

Feature Overview

DAS-001: backup-domain, restore-domain, list-backups

Provide compatible functionality in 3.1 to the equivalent functionality provide in GF v2. See backup-domain(1), restore-domain(1) and list-backups(1) for details.

DAS-002: Backup/Restore destination: v2 location

By default backup-domain will store the backup at the same location (domaindir/backups/*) as v2. By default restore-domain will restore from this location.

Design Document

Milestone Schedule

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1. MS2 DAS-001 Support v2 style DAS backup and recovery Yes 12070
2. MS2 DAS-002 Backup to v2 location Yes 12070

Task List

Task Target Milestone Start End Date Owner(s) Feature ID Status / Comments
Create build, test and debug environment for 3.1 MS2   5/21 Yamini DAS-001/002 COMPLETED
Rewrite CLI to use new CLI framework MS2   5/21 Yamini DAS-001/002 COMPLETED
Run existing backup/recovery unit tests on 3.1 instance MS2   5/21 Yamini DAS-001/002 No tests in v2
Fix existing backup/recovery open issues MS2   5/21 Yamini DAS-001/002 COMPLETED
Determine if additional DevTest are required (implement if needed) MS2   6/11 Yamini DAS-001/002 New dev tests added
Dev Hand-Off to QA (DHQA) MS2   6/16 Yamini DAS-001/002  
Documentation MS2   6/16 Yamini DAS-001/002  

Dev Tests

  • XXX: Investigate existing unit tests.


Email Alias

BackupCommands3.html.pdf (application/pdf)