GlassFish Migration Tool LocalizationWelcome to GlassFish Migration Tool Localization page. Here you will find information like where to get the localized tool, how to localize, or how to contribute your translation. About migrate2glassfish ProjectMigration Tool for GlassFish is the tool that helps migrating Java EE applications running on other applicatoins servers to GlassFish. The tool is opensourced and hosted in migrate2glassfish project. The project also provides documentations which also being localized in community effort. Where to get the Migration ToolTool Documents
At this moment, online help is not in our translation scope. Only message files. 1. Check out the work space.Refer to build instructions page 2. Translate message resouce files.Following are message resource files.
We recommend using TM (Translation Memory) tools such as <a href="">OmegaT</a> when work on translation. 3. Build and test.In the migrate2glassfish directory, run ant. ContributingWe always welcome your contribution. If you would like to contribute translation, please contact g11n at before you start. We may have reusable translation for your language and if that's the case you only need work on rest. Following are current available languages.
We also appreciate your testing and feedback regarding the tool's localization errors. FeedbackAny questions or comments, please contact g11n at |