GlassFish Admin iTeam Meetings

Note: this meeting is currently suspended until planning for the next release is further along and there is a steadier supply of topics.  If there are any topics for the admin iteam, please send email to 

Meeting Details:

Tuesdays 9AM Pacific
Room: Abba Zaba, Santa Clara Bldg 22, 1188
US toll free: 866-682-4770
Code: 1485398#
Security Code: 4321#
Email alias:

Agenda - July 26, 2011

  • What do you want from the admin iteam meeting?
  • roundtable

Minutes from previous meeting:

Attendees: Yamini, Tim, Chris, Peter, Tom, Jennifer, Paul

Decision: hold off on meeting regularly until planning is further along for the next release.

All Old Action Items

Useful Links

* Meeting Procedures

Meeting Minutes

To see the agendas or information from previous meetings, click on Tools|Page History and select the appropriate version of this document.

Meeting Minutes from earlier meetings

* February 23, 2010
** Kedar's security debriefing:kedar1.jpg, kedar2.jpg
* March 2, 2010
* March 9, 2010
* March 16, 2010
* March 23, 2010
* March 30, 2010
* April 6, 2010
* April 13, 2010
* May 11, 2010
* Admin iTeam Meetings from 2009 and earlier

Old URL (read-only):
New Page:

kedar2.jpg (image/pjpeg)
kedar1.jpg (image/pjpeg)
kedar2.jpg (image/pjpeg)
kedar1.jpg (image/pjpeg)
kedar2.jpg (image/pjpeg)
kedar1.jpg (image/pjpeg)
SecureAdminHandoff.pdf (application/pdf)
SecureAdminHandoff.pdf (application/pdf)
drawing 1.png (image/png)