A simple counter that starts counting at 1 at the top of the page, and each time it is invoked, will increase its value by one. These counters are transient, and relative to the current page view only - i.e. two persons viewing the same page at the same time get their own counters.

The current counter value is accessible also as a WikiVariable. The name of the variable is "counter", or "counter-<name>", if you have defined a counter name.


  • name = counter name. You may define as many counters per page as you want; you just need to separate them with the counter name


[{Counter}], [{Counter}], [{Counter}], [

Unknown macro: {Counter name='aa'}
Unknown macro: {Countername='aa'}

] produces

-(Counter), -(Counter), -(Counter), [


The value of "counter" at the end is (_counter) and the value of "counter-aa" is (_counter-aa).

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