Since v1.6.3 you can now define your own plugins. These are just
simply Java classes that implement the
com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.WikiPlugin interface and can be found from
somewhere in your class path. The plugins work so that when you write
a special code on the Wiki page, the plugins are invoked and their
output is inserted into the page, verbatim.

The form is:


Unknown macro: {INSERT <plugin class> WHERE <param1=value1>,<param2=value2>,...}


Unknown macro: {INSERT<pluginclass>WHERE<param1=value1>,<param2=value2>,...}


You can also use a shortcut: instead of using {recently-updated}. This works only with the plugins that come with JSPWiki, though.

In addition, you can now (since 1.9.30) omit even the "INSERT", so the shortest possible version for plugins becomes:


If a parameter contains spaces, you can use single quotes (') around the parameter. Like this:

In the examples on the plugin documentation pages these forms are used interchangeably.


Unknown macro: {INSERT CurrentTimePlugin format='dd MM yyyy'}


Unknown macro: {INSERTCurrentTimePluginformat='ddMMyyyy'}


List of plugins included with JSPWiki