Lists all pages that are referred to, but not yet created.


  • maxwidth=_n_
    Limits the length of the generated links to at most n characters. This should used to keep the LeftMenu or LeftMenuFooter at a manageable width. Default is to not limit the length at all.
  • before='*'
    This element goes before each generated link. The value is WikiText, and the default is empty.
  • separator=','
    Sets the separator to use between generated links. The value is WikiText, and the default is a nothing (Change to ", " for a horizontal, comma-separated list.)
  • after='\n_'_
    Sets the separator to use after each generated links. The value is WikiText, and the default is a linebreak, which produces a vertical list.
  • include='pagename_'_
    a regular expression of pages to include in this list.
  • exclude='pagename_'_
    a regular expression of pages to exclude from this list.


See UndefinedPages.

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