Current FishCAT timeline

Important current news

  1. *Log your issues here*
  2. GlassFish 3.1 is under FishCAT testing as of 21 October 2010.
  3. Show why FishCAT is such a great program :When you log a issue, please put the '3.1-fishcat' keyword in the issue.
  4. Who is being a good Cat FishCATBugQuery
  5. 5 points for each thing explicitly tested and Google Form submitted (below)

Focus Area : Testing GlassFish 3.1 beginning 21 October 2010

Features available to test :

1) Testing GlassFish 3.1 with complex Java EE6 Applications (see Java EE 6 technologies)
2) Clustering, loadbalancing and failover with mod_jk (SSL and non-SSL mode) link
3) JDBC feature testing (see demo wiki) with different database (Sybase 15.x with jConnect Driver, DB2 9.x with DB2 JDBC 4 Driver, MySQL 5.x with Connector.J Driver)
4) Trying out clustering on different OS with SSH provisioning (see reference section of this wiki)
5) Trying out admin console with different browsers (IE, FireFox, Safari, Chrome)

6) Upgrading from GlassFish v2.x to GlassFish 3.1 (see wiki)
7) Tyring out JMS clustering and high availability (with new configure-jms-cluster command)
8) Trying out the installer on different OS
9) Trying out web services (Metro, Jersey) in a GlassFish cluster
10) Monitoring (and management) with RESTful API  (see one-pager)
11) High availability : blog

More info YouTube

GlassFish 3.1 wiki: PlanForGlassFish3.1

Database environments that are difficult to test in the GlassFish development environment


Install on different OS platforms


GlassFish admin console with browser galore


Current Focus for this FishCAT phase

Focus of FishCAT will be on testing GlassFish 3.1, but we may want to check there are no regressions in 3.0.1 and verify that key bugs in 3.0 that were marked as fixed in 3.0.1 were indeed fixed correctly.

Current FishCAT test leads :

Manfred Riem : mriem (at)

Richard Kolb : rjdkolb (at)

Please see points awarded for this type of test.

Focus Area : Verify that key bugs in 3.0 that were marked as fixed in 3.0.1 were indeed fixed correctly.

There are XYZ key issues fixed from 3.0 release.
Here is a list of key issue fixed :

Please see points awarded for this type of test.

GFGold.png (image/png)
GFGold.png (image/png)