GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 1/31/08 Main meetings page Purpose Documentation for GlassFish v3 will be task based, focused on what you want and need to do with GlassFish and how you do it! The purpose of the 1/31 meeting is to plan the next phase of the GlassFish v3 documentation project and schedule the task brainstorming sessions that will help to identify key user tasks. Several meetings have already been held and work on the documentation plans for GlassFish v3 has already begun. Attendees Paul, Alan, Dixie, June, Jennifer, Gail, Scott,Hanan Agenda
- Review of GlassFish v3 Documentation Plan
- Review of process for identifying scope and participants of task brainstorming sessions
- Identification of facilitators for GlassFishV3UserTaskAnalyses
- Next meeting
Meeting Notes 1. Review of GlassFish v3 Documentation Plan
- Walked through the GlassFish v3 Documentation Plan section by section to be sure everyone has a common understanding of what's required for TP2 (Technology Preview 2)
- Doc plan incomplete at this point; still working on it; priority is TP2
- Unanswered questions remain:
- Is it OK to publish docs on for TP2? Not sure yet. AI: Paul to double-check with John Clingan about this
- Which admin console screens will be provided for TP2?
- TP2 emphasizes the web tier; should other content such as EJB chapters be suppressed for TP2, etc.? If practical to do that, yes; if that won't work, may need to find some other strategy; can drill-down on the mechanics of this later
- GF v3 is going to be supplied via a number of different distributions; the doc plan links to the GlassFish v3 Distributions Page that provides a table itemizing the content of each distribution; there are 3 distros, which are also listed in the doc plan: Nucleus, Web, and App Servers
- For each distribution, Paul has also itemized various add-ons and tried to list out all of the features as a whole as he understands it; the doc plan is really a shopping list of features to make sure all bases are covered
- The GF v3 Milestone column in the Product Features by Distribution section shows the first date that documentation needs to be provided
- The Documentation column indicates the level of work required:
- Minor means we'll be working with/revising existing content
- New means content doesn't exist and needs to be written from scratch
- The Summary of Deliverables section itemizes all deliverables; because TP2 is the first priority, the doc plan splits things up that way
- The release drivers for TP2 are to have something people can download and evaluate and have it available around the time of JavaONE; that "something" is nothing you'd try in an enterprise-level deployment
- Decisions about what exactly will be provided, how it will be provided, which books, etc. should be made during the detailed planning phase
- Team agreed to provide a doc plan for each deliverable (with the possible exception of the FAQs), which will be linked to from the overall doc set plan. There are many benefits to this, including the ability to track reviews (i.e., who's reviewing what), what's going to be delivered when (i.e., TP2 versus Beta), etc. AI: Paul will set up wiki pages for individual doc plans
- Team discussed concerns about resources; resource allocation still underway
- In the Schedule section, a lot of this is guesswork; hard to tell from available materials what the dates are; interspersed in the schedule are the task analyses meetings
2. Review of Process for Identifying Scope and Participants of Task Brainstorming Sessions Any questions or comments about the Task Analysis blog post? No. 3. Identification of Facilitators for GlassFish v3 User Task Analyses Discussed the GlassFish v3 User Task Analyses page, which identifies facilitators for task brainstorming sessions. Facilitators were identified as follows:
- Jersey, Comet, JRuby - Jennifer
- HK2 - Paul
- Grizzly - Dixie
- PHP - June
- Application Mgmt - June
- Update Center CLI - Paul
- TopLink Essentials - June
- NetBeans Plugin - TBD
- Eclipse Plugin - TBD
Facilitators should now do the following:
- Identify SMEs (AI: Paul to see if a list of module owners exists and if not ask for one)
- Identify a recorder (a recorder is another member of the doc team who will capture ideas during the session)
- Contact SMEs and arrange the session
- Record session details on the task analysis page
4. Next meeting Thursday 2/7/08, 4-5 pm PST Main meetings page