<h1>GlassFish v3 Documentation Meetings</h1>

Work is under way on GlassFish v3 documentation and your input and involvement is needed. Just as you're thinking about your wish list for GlassFish v3 on the engineering side, what's on your wish list for docs? Why not get involved in the planning and creation of GlassFish v3 documentation?

We meet weekly and community participation and attendance is strongly encouraged. If you can't join the call-in sessions you can still participate in the discussion through the [docs@glassfish.java.net] mailing list (and we hope
that you will). Just register for the list from the GlassFish [mailing
lists|https://glassfish.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] page.

Meeting Details

Next meeting:
Date of next meeting to be announced

Call details:
866-545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
215-446-3648 (International-Caller Paid)
Access code: 9661523#
star 6 to mute and unmute

Materials for Today's Meeting


  1. Review of AIs:
      • Paul:* Cross-check the v3 list of functional specifications against the list of features in the v2 documentation.
        In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
      • Paul:* Verify EOL process for features that are marked as "Never".
        In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
      • Paul:* Determine the URL to API docs for the GlassFish packages and update Prefaces accordingly.
        Complete. Rajiv Mordani did provide a URL, which was added to the Preface of each book. However, this URL will need to change at the next revision of the books.
  2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
  3. Bug status
    • All open doc bugs for GlassFish v3.
      Issue Tracker query criteria:
      • Subcomponent: docs
      • Target milestone: v3
    • Bundled doc bugs
      Issue Tracker query criteria:
      • Subcomponent: docs
      • Target milestone: v3
      • Summary does not contain the substring [UB]
    • Unbundled doc bugs
      Issue Tracker query criteria:
      • Subcomponent: docs
      • Target milestone: v3
      • Summary contains the substring [UB]
  4. Open mic
  5. Next meeting

Meeting Minutes and Recordings

Each entry in the Date column of the table is a link to the minutes of the meeting.

If a recording of the meeting is available, you can listen to the recording as follows:

  1. Dial one of the following numbers:
    • US, toll free: 1 877 471 6587
    • International: +1 402 970 2667
  2. When prompted, dial the number in the Program ID column of the table. After connecting to the call:
    • Press 7 to rewind 30 seconds
    • Press 8 to pause
    • Press 9 to fast forward 30 seconds

The recording is available until the date and time in the Program Expiry Date column of the table.

Date Program ID Program Expiry Date
Jan 21, 2010 No Meeting  
Jan 14, 2010 No Meeting  
Jan 07, 2010 (Minutes only)  

Minutes from earlier years

Useful Resources

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