GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 02/05/09

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Paul, Alan, Dixie, Debbie, Devika, Ian, Eric, Gail


  1. Review of AIs:
  2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
  3. Bug Status
  4. Open mic
  5. Next meeting

Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs

    • Paul:* Cross-check the v3 list of functional specifications against the list of features in the v2 documentation. Not started. Update: Per engineering, there will be a functional spec for every feature. Paul needs to cross-check the list of functional specs against what we think might be coming in from v2 and then go back to the engineering team to make sure we have a common understanding of what the feature set will be in this release - will try to get to this next week; been busy with other projects unrelated to v3.
    • Paul:* Examine the list of outstanding documentation issues and reassign any issues that are affected by recent staffing changes. Not started. Update: Will try to get to this next week.
    • Paul:* Ensure that all features have an owner. Complete
    • Paul:* Ensure that all documents have an owner. Complete. Update: Dixie now owns the HA Admin Guide; Paul now owns the Deployment Planning Guide.

2. Progress on writing assignments by feature

  • Not much activity now; still either waiting for a reasonably complete draft of the design documentation or some commitment from engineering about what will actually be implemented.
  • Engineers have been busy with other things and are only now turning their attention back to v3.
  • Hope that in the coming weeks we'll start to see task brainstorming sessions being scheduled; talk to the engineers for your feature(s) and start scheduling those; if you get pushback or are blocked on this, contact Paul to see if he can help.
  • Start work on your features if you can.
  • If you make progress, record it on the status page.
  • If you're blocked for some reason, let Paul know and also record that on the page if you haven't already done so.
  • While waiting for information from engineering, a good use of time is to look at the v3 Prelude and v2 doc sets to get some idea of where any new or changed documentation might go in the v3 doc set; this is also a good way to learn about the technologies you'll be documenting.
  • As the project progresses, we'll start going through the list feature-by-feature for status.

3. Bug Status

  • Not much activity now; keep on top of your bugs as you get into content development work.
  • As the project progresses, we'll start going through the list bug-by-bug for status.

4. Open mic

  • Discussion about task brainstorming sessions.
  • If unsure about the process or looking for tips and tricks, let Paul know.
  • For every one pager or functional spec we need to first determine if a task analysis is necessary, and, if so, schedule and conduct the sessions.

5. Next meeting

  • Thursday 02/12/09 2-3 PM PST

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