GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 02/12/09 Main meetings page Attendees Kim, Eric, Debbie, Gail, Paul, Dixie, June, Devika, Ian \ Agenda
- Review of AIs:
- Progress on writing assignments by feature
- Bug status
- Open mic
- Next meeting
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs
- Paul:* Cross-check the v3 list of functional specifications against the list of features in the v2 documentation.
Not started, due to competing priorities.
- Paul:* Examine the list of outstanding documentation issues and reassign any issues that are affected by recent staffing changes.
Not started, due to competing priorities. \
2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
- Looks like work is starting; will share URL with other teams once we have solid progress to report.
- Still in the getting started phase; waiting for one pagers and functional specs to be stable enough to start our analysis of the doc impact.
- Deadline for specs was end of December; haven't heard a revised date.
3. Bug status
- Keep on top of your bugs as you get into content development work.
4. Open mic
- Dixie blogged about the GlassFish Portfolio launch and sent mail to the docs alias.
- Remember to check your comment wiki pages, etc. on a regular basis.
AI - All: Set up RSS feeds for pages that you own using your favorite reader (Thunderbird, which has good notification capabilities; Google Reader, etc.).
- Discussion about feature assignments, tasks analyses, feature doc plans, etc. If there are further questions, bring them to this meeting, raise them on the alias, or contact Paul directly.
5. Next meeting
- Thursday 02/19/09 2-3 PM PST
Main meetings page