GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 2/14/08

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Jennifer, Gail, Paul, Alan, Julie, Dixie, June, Hanan, Scott


  1. Editing for GlassFish v3 - Julie Bettis, editor
  2. Review of AIs - Paul
    • Set up wiki pages for individual doc plans and link to them from the documentation plan.
    • See if a list of module owners exists and if not ask for one.
  3. Finalization of documentation plan template - Paul
  4. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
  5. Process for facilitating a task brainstorming session - Paul
  6. Open mic - All
  7. Next meeting - All


Meeting Notes

1. Editing for GlassFish v3 - Julie Bettis, editor

  • Julie wanted to get a feel for what's planned for v3 docs and how to prioritize things; will the docs structure for v2 be applicable for v3?
  • The v3 release is a much more modular release which might affect the final structure of the docs; it will almost certainly affect the structure of the online help; one requirement is to have one helpset per module; in previous releases we've had just one complete helpset for the entire admin console GUI
  • Individual writers can contact Julie for edits; Julie will work with Paul as necessary to prioritize edits; she likes to edit a representative chunk of a book (Preface, a couple of chapters, etc.); writers can then propagate those edits to other books
  • Best use of her time at this early stage is to spot check current docs and edit v3 content outlines
  • The v3 style sheet will link to a broader style guide (the Open Solaris style guide will be revised and available for other open source projects such as GlassFish)
  • There is an editor in IEC but IEC App Server writers should work with Julie

2. Review of AIs - Paul

  • Set up wiki pages for individual doc plans and link to them from the documentation plan. ALMOST DONE. The v3 doc plan contains links to individual doc pages. Book owners should use the finalized doc plan template and create the individual doc plan page for their book.
  • See if a list of module owners exists and if not ask for one. DONE. Jerome provided information about who's working on what; see the links in the Engineering Staff section in the v3 doc plan and contact Paul is you still have questions.

    3. Finalization of documentation plan template - Paul

  • Considered input but reverted to the earlier version with the simpler reviewers table
  • Lots of discussion about how to best track reviews; can add a Features column to the reviewers table if necessary and if it doesn't clutter the table up too much
  • This format is what we'll go with – AI: Paul will turn this prototype into a template that we can all use and link to it from the v3 doc plan

    4. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul

  • First task analysis is 2/14 (jRuby)
  • All task analyses must be done by 2/29
  • Anything stopping facilitators from getting these going?
  • If you don't know who the module owners are look at the Engineering Staff section in the v3 doc plan and contact Paul by COB 2/15 if you still have questions
  • Side discussion about where the v3 doc materials/URLs are: If you want to bookmark just one page, bookmark the v3 meetings page, which links to the v3 doc plan, which in turn links to everything else

5. Process for facilitating a task brainstorming session - Paul

  • Paul blogged about this process on the App Server Docs blog
  • The blog entry gives people a good idea of what the process is going to be like

6. Open mic - All

  • Discussion about book cleanup
  • Need to clean up SolBook tag usage; need SolBook tagging guidelines, rules about text entities and text editing, etc. NOTE: June is very familiar with text entities in the Preface - any questions about that just ask her
  • Really need two style sheets; one for SolBook issues and one for wiki issues – AI: Paul to start a SolBook rules page; June and others to join in and contribute. AI: June will also make sure the community style sheet on the wiki matches any internal style conventions.

7. Next meeting - All

Thursday 2/21 4-5 PM PST
Main meetings page