GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 2/21/08 Main meetings page Attendees Jennifer, Ian, June, Gail, Paul, Dixie Agenda
- Review of AIs - Paul
- Paul:* Turn the prototype doc plan into a template that we can all use and link to it from the v3 doc set plan.
- Paul:* Start a SolBook rules page.
- June and others:* Contribute to the SolBook rules page.
- June:* Ensure the community style sheet on the wiki matches any internal style conventions.
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
- Review of first task brainstorming session - Paul
- Discussion: need for a Technical Overview - Dixie
- Open mic - All
- Next meeting - All
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs - Paul
- Paul:* Turn the prototype doc plan into a template that we can all use and link to it from the v3 doc set plan. DONE
- Paul:* Start a SolBook rules page. OPEN
- June and others:* Contribute to the SolBook rules page. OPEN - depends on previous AI
- June:* Ensure the community style sheet on the wiki matches any internal style conventions. IN PROGRESS - additional component: add link to OpenSolaris style guide
- These are starting to gain momentum; another one was held today (2/21 - jMaki)
- Schedule these as soon as you can; with some exceptions the deadline for completing these is 2/29
- Wiki pages are already in place for recorders to use or easily create
- Follow the model of TAs that have already happened and learn from those experiences
3. Review of first task brainstorming session - Paul
- Two have been held so far (jRuby and jMaki)
- Overall impression is that the two sessions have gone really well; SMEs are really motivated to contribute to the documentation
- Lots of discussion about what works/what doesn't
- Interesting to see the difference when everyone's on the phone versus when some people are in a physical room; if some participants are in a room the facilitator should be there also (as opposed to being on the phone)
- In meetings where some people are in the room and some are on the phone, need to ask the people in the room to write suggestions down on post-its rather than just speaking them aloud
- An hour isn't enough time; ran out of time both times - maybe make these 1 1/2 to 2 hours?
- It's a challenge for the facilitator to keep the meeting focused on tasks as opposed to conceptual info
- Need to reassure SMEs that the docs will include conceptual info, but the task analysis is focused on tasks
- It's a delicate balancing act - don't want to cut off the free flow of ideas but at the same time need to stay focused
- Tell the SMEs to Think verbs!
- One shortcoming: need to identify where the content will go; haven't had time in the sessions to get to the analysis of the brainstorming. AI: Paul to change the description of the process so that it highlights that you also need to identify where the tasks will be documented.
- Using a wiki page to capture ideas seems to work
4. Discussion: need for a Technical Overview - Dixie
- Dixie proposed adding a Technical Overview to the doc set (made the case in an email sent to the docs @glassfish alias)
- Is there a historical reason we don't have one?
- No, probably just came about organically - didn't want to add another guide, resources, etc.
- Group agreed it's a good idea to have one, resources permitting - as long as it's concise, can point people to what they need to know, etc.
- Could really use Julie's help with developmental editing, organization, etc.
- AI: Dixie to create a wiki page to which writers can add good candidates (content) for this type of doc, including a link to the last published version on
5. Open mic - All
- Paul has been talking to Abhijit about common use cases for TP2 and has some info; AI: Paul to add info to doc plan
- Gail asked about meeting minutes - helpful, appropriate level of detail?
7. Next meeting - All Thursday 2/28 4-5 PM PST Main meetings page