GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 03/05/09 Main meetings page Attendees Kim, Eric, Debbie, Ian, Dixie, Devika, June, Gail \ Agenda
- Review of AIs
- Progress on writing assignments by feature
- Bug status
- Assignments of Web Services features
- Open mic
- Next meeting
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs
2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
- June held a successful AMX task analysis today; good turnout and participation by SMEs.
3. Bug status
4. Assignments of Web Services features
- Discussed assignment of features (Metro and Web Services Integration) and scope of work.
- Conclusion:
- Eric to make a pass through the Metro and Web Services Integration one-pagers (and assume ownership of the latter) and determine what is relevant for GlassFish docs (he suspects not much).
- Eric will then contact concerned parties as follows: June for developer content, Dixie for admin content, Debbie for security content.
5. Open mic
6. Next meeting
- Thursday 03/12/09 2-3 PM PST
Main meetings page