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GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 03/19/09

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Dixie, Paul, Kim, Eric, Ian, June, Gail


  1. Review of AIs
  2. Schedules
  3. Progress on writing assignments by feature
  4. Bug status
  5. Open mic
  6. Next meeting

Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs

2. Schedules
From the GlassFish v3 Schedule, the doc milestones are as follows:

  • Feature Doc Plans Complete: April 17 (analysis for bundled EA docs will need to be done sooner). Related AI - Paul: Update existing man pages doc plan so June and others can add content.
  • JavaOne EA Release Bundled Doc Freeze: April 20 AI - Paul: Confirm this date with Abhijit.
  • JavaOne EA Release Unbundled Doc Freeze: May 29
  • RR SCF: July 13
  • RR HCF/Bundled Doc Freeze: August 24
  • RR Unbundled Doc Freeze: September 25
  • RR: September 29

3. Progress on writing assignments by feature

  • Starting next week we'll go through the list feature by feature. Be prepared to give a brief status for your features.
  • Clarification of feature ownership responsibilities:
    • Feature owners are responsible for writing the feature doc plan that identifies all doc deliverables impacted by the feature and estimates the scope of work (i.e., identify everything that needs to be done in the form of a doc plan). This involves reading functional specs, conducting task brainstorming sessions if necessary, and so on.
    • The actual writing of the content and who's going to do what will then be determined as part of the planning process that follows. The work will be load balanced after the doc plan analysis has been conducted. You don't need to worry about that when you're writing your doc plan; the objective is to identify the scope of work.
    • If you own a feature and don't feel you're able to adequately assess it, write the doc plan, and so on, let Paul know.
    • June has completed some feature doc plans, which provide good examples.

4. Bug status

  • Leaving this as a standing item. We'll spend more time on it once writing begins and as we approach milestones.

5. Open mic

  • Question about Error Message Reference book for GF v3. Gail to follow up.
  • June finishing doc plans. Feedback welcome and encouraged.
  • Paul has part numbers for all books. The Link Manager release has been set up. He'll add the part numbers to the doc set plan and send more information to individual writers.

6. Next meeting
Thursday 03/26/09 2-3 PM PDT

Main meetings page

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