GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 3/20/08

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Paul, Gail, Dixie, June, Scott, Ian, Alan


  1. Review of AIs - Paul
  2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
  3. Status of deliverables:
  4. Open mic - All
  5. Next meeting - All


Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs - Paul

    • Paul:* Identify more detailed high-level usage scenarios for TP2; revise plans for TP2 and run them by Abhijit, Jerome, John, Eduardo. DONE - waiting to hear back
    • Paul:* Follow up with Abhijit and Alan for additional details/high-level vision. IN PROGRESS - will follow up with Abhijit
    • Facilitators of completed TAs:* For TAs for which we've identified a large number of tasks we're not sure belong in the doc set, go back and refine the outputs from the TA; winnow out tasks that are out of scope (label as out of scope on the outcome wiki page). AI - June and Jennifer: Work out of the details of this reevaluation for Comet and PHP TAs
    • Facilitators of future TAs:* Reevaluate the scope of the session to ensure that the scope is not too broad. DONE (reminder part of this AI, anyway)
    • Paul:* Start a SolBook rules page. SUSPENDED - lowered priority
    • June and others:* Contribute to the SolBook rules page. SUSPENDED - lowered priority
    • Paul:* Change the description of the process so that it highlights that you also need to identify where the tasks will be documented. SUSPENDED - lowered priority

      2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul

  • AI - June: Contact PHP SMEs and schedule the PHP session
  • Paul's TA topics:
    • Update Center CLI out of scope in GF docs; won't mention it directly, but some of the tasks we document might involve telling people to use the Update Center; will remain in the list of features for the product in the doc plan, even though we won't be formally documenting it (not within the scope of our responsibilities)
    • Grizzly - probably more of a back-end item, out of scope. AI - Paul: Doublecheck the validity of that assumption before elimintating the TA altogether
    • Discussion about HK2

3. Status of deliverables:

  • Release Notes - Paul: Not started
  • Quick Start Guide book and HTML - Scott: Started work on Quick Start Guide; scoping out tasks; prepping files; will start with Abhijit as SME/visionary; at the 3/13 meeting Abhijit articulated the need for a short doc that gets people from install to deployment VERY quickly; Scott will share screencast storyboard
  • Quick Start Guide screencast - Scott: See above (Quick Start Guide and screencast go hand in hand)
  • Administration Guide - Dixie: Editing (making it coherent, so we have a coherent piece once we take the non-TP2 pieces out)
  • Developer's Guide - June: Not started (working on Comms App Server until 4/7 beta); discussion about this: need to be finished with unbundled TP2 docs by end of April; let Paul/Alan know if there's a crunch/resource issue
  • Application Deployment Guide - June: Not started; see Dev Guide comments
  • Administration Reference - June: Not started; see Dev Guide comments
  • Man Pages - Paul: Has a list of man pages for TP2; made formatting improvements in response to community feedback
  • RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: Will document tasks related to Jersey in its own separate guide
  • jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Will document tasks related to jMaki in its own separate guide
  • Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: Haven't done much with that recently; needs to deliver jar files for testing by end of the week
  • Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: Haven't done anything with them yet
  • GlassFish v3 Technology Preview Welcome Page - Gail: Not started
  • GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Installation Guide - Chinmayee: (not in attendance; no status)
  • GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Rodamap to the Java EE Tutorial - Ian: Analyzing how to best situate it - maybe tie it into the doc center (or whatever the main entrance to the doc set is)?; may not include the tutorial in the collection for TP2 but instead make the roadmap the way people would link into it (elimates chance people will stumble into info that isn't relevant) - Related discussion: Welcome page would fulfill the same role as the doc center ... Use DSC as some kind of repository for TP2 ...
  • GlassFish User FAQ - Gail: Nothing new; will update for TP2 (include TP2-related FAQs)
  • GlassFish Developer FAQ - Gail: Nothing new; will update for TP2 (include TP2-related FAQs)

4. Open mic - All

  • Discussion about where info about additional technologies such as JRuby should go (Dev Guide, tutorial, etc).
  • Best thing to do is to organize it by application technology (jMaki, Comet, webtier, etc.) - Ian will drive this for the tutorial content for TP2

5. Next meeting - All

Thursday 3/27 4-5 PM PDT

Starting with the 4/3 meeting, the regular meeting time moves to Thursday 3-4 PM PDT.
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