GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 3/27/08 Main meetings page Attendees June, Jennifer, Paul, Ian, Alan, Dixie, Gail \ No updates; will review these at the 4/3 meeting 2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
- We're at the end of this phase for TP2, now starting on the writing phase
- After TP2, we'll need to plan the work for the next phase of the project and determine what other TAs we'll need
3. Status of deliverables:
- Release Notes - Paul: Not started
- Quick Start Guide book and HTML - Scott: Not in attendance. AI - Paul: Paul spoke with Abhijit about this book; needs to get that feedback to Scott
- Quick Start Guide screencast - Scott: Not in attendance
- Administration Guide - Dixie: Through with the editing, now pulling out the pieces that don't pertain to TP2. Side discussion 1: TP2 likely to evolve into an FCS-quality developer release. AI Paul: Find out if TP2 is going to be turned into an FCS-quality developer release. Side discussion 2: How do we handle this new modular version of GF? AI - Paul: Needs to dig into this/find this out.
- Developer's Guide - June: Not started
- Application Deployment Guide - June: Not started
- Administration Reference - June: Not started; discussion about dropping this for TP2. AI - Paul: Notify stakeholders that we won't be doing this book for TP2.
- Man Pages - Paul: Man pages need to be delivered in a different format; want to separate out the man pages into packages; working with stakeholders to redo the man page plan and determine what goes in each package; Paul created one jar file per package; needs to add man pages for 3 new commands that are going into TP2; working on those new man pages now.
- RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: Not in attendance; previous input from Debbie indicates she's confident she'll be able to have a first draft by mid-April.
- jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Working on this; will migrate earlier content to jMaki 1.1.
- Side discussion 1:* JRuby: Jennifer will add the info to the existing JRuby QS guide on a wiki. Point was made that we're the GlassFish doc team and we need to be realistic about the number of resources we have; don't need to sign up for everything on that's associated GlassFish. Questions: Should Jennifer assume that the reader is at the command line when she writes the QS guide (assume it's already doc'd in NetBeans so we don't need to tell them how to do that in NB)? Should she assume they're using the IDE or not? Do we need to be tool agnostic? Ian suggested she should doc how you'd do it in the IDE, as opposed to from scratch (base it on your actual examples; refer to NB docs as appropriate). Alan pointed out that that sounded right; tight integration between GF and NB is always stressed at Tech Days and in a variety of forums; it's heavily promoted, so we shouldn't downplay that in our docs; use NB instructions (also for the Update Center).
- Side discussion 2:* Update Center - How will Update Center work for GF v3? AI - Paul: Update Center 2.0 is a huge mystery. Paul to investigate how this will work for v3.
- Side discussion 3:* Will MySQL be integrated for TP2? Jennifer asks this because of a JRuby example that uses database access - will it be Derby or MySQL? Paul: Don't know; unsure of any plans to bundle MySQL with TP2. This led to another side discussion about the use of the name Java DB versus Derby in the docs, etc. That discussion is not captured here. For details, listen to the meeting recording.
- Side discussion 4:* Need to find out what the defaults are going to be for TP2 (i.e., what will work in the examples, etc.). This was mentioned in the context of JDBC.
- Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: No progress since last week
- Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: No progress since last week
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview Welcome Page - Gail: Not started
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Installation Guide - Chinmayee: Not in attendance
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Rodamap to the Java EE Tutorial - Ian: No progress
- GlassFish User FAQ - Gail: Nothing new; will update for TP2 (include TP2-related FAQs)
- GlassFish Developer FAQ - Gail: Nothing new; will update for TP2 (include TP2-related FAQs)
4. Open mic - All
- Dixie asked people to run lm updates on their books so she can link to those manuals; June will copy all files to the GF v3 workspace after she's done with the Comms AS work and sync everything up; that will happen "very soon."
- Paul: Remember to update the part numbers in the pubs element in the book and in the makefile in the workspace.
- Jennifer: Regarding Comet, Jeanfrancois has examples she can use so she won't need to create her own; this content is going in the Dev Guide; she worked it out with June: Jennifer will work on it separately and then when June is ready just drop the content in; no need to remove the workspace Ian created; Jennifer will use that for the examples.
5. Next meeting - All Thursday 4/03 3-4 PM PDT Note the new time! Weekly meetings are now Thursdays from 3-4 PM PDT.%% Main meetings page