GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 4/03/08 Main meetings page Attendees Ian, June, Dixie, Paul, Jennifer, Gail Agenda
- Review of AIs - Paul
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
- Status of deliverables
- Open mic - All
- Next meeting - All
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs - Paul
- Paul:* Give feedback from conversation with Abhijit about the Quick Start Guide to Scott. CANCELLED
- Paul:* Find out if TP2 is going to be turned into an FCS-quality developer release. NO PROGRESS
- Paul:* Determine whether the modularity of GlassFish v3 necessitates modular documentation for GlassFish v3. NO PROGRESS
- Paul:* Notify stakeholders that we won't be doing the Administration Reference for TP2. NO PROGRESS
- Paul:* Investigate how Update Center 2.0 will work for v3. NO PROGRESS
- Paul:* Follow up with Abhijit and Alan for additional details/high-level vision. NO PROGRESS
- Facilitators of completed TAs:* For TAs for which we've identified a large number of tasks we're not sure belong in the doc set, go back and refine the outputs from the TA; winnow out tasks that are out of scope (label as out of scope on the outcome wiki page). Side discussion: PHP is not supported - should be removed from the agenda and all of the lists for TP2
- Paul:* Start a SolBook rules page. SUSPENDED - lowered priority
- June and others:* Contribute to the SolBook rules page. SUSPENDED - lowered priority
- Paul:* Change the description of the process so it highlights that you also need to identify where the tasks will be documented. SUSPENDED - lowered priority
- June:* Contact PHP SMEs and schedule the PHP session. NOTE: This should now be Groovy and Grails - June having trouble getting the information she needs to be able to have something done by TP2
- Paul:* Doublecheck the validity of assumptions about Grizzly before eliminating the TA altogether. NO PROGRESS
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul These are done for TP2, with the possible exception of TAs for Groovy and Grails. \ 3. Status of deliverables:
- Release Notes - Paul: Not started
- Quick Start Guide book and HTML - Scott: Not in attendance
- Quick Start Guide screencast - Scott: Not in attendance
- Administration Guide - Dixie: Working on command reference; has identified huge holes in the AG
- Developer's Guide - June: Not started; plans to copy 4 Comms AS books over to GF v3 after beta
- Application Deployment Guide - June: Same as above
- Administration Reference - To be omitted for TP2
- Man Pages - Paul: New commands have been added; working on other pages that also need to be included
- RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: Not in attendance
- jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Making good progress
- jRuby Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Making good progress. Side comments:
- Hasn't checked out the books yet; will do that and revisit Epic
- Won't produce a bundle of examples for JRuby
- Regarding Comet, SMEs will create an example she can use (very difficult to create even a simple example in Comet)
- AI - Paul:* Determine when TP2 deliverables are actually due/when Eng needs things
- Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: No progress since the first delivery
- Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: No progress
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview Welcome Page (wiki) - Gail: Will start thinking about this next week; aggregates a lot of the TP2 deliverables; needs to ready by the end of April
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Installation Guide - Chinmayee: Not in attendance
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Roadmap to the Java EE Tutorial - Ian: Will probably start on this next week
- GlassFish User FAQ (wiki) - Gail: Not started; due by end of April (similar to TP2 Welcome page)
- GlassFish Developer FAQ (wiki) - Gail: Not started; due by end of April (similar to TP2 Welcome page)
4. Open mic - All Paul will add a new item to the agenda: Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set. We're doing a lot of rewriting and reorganizing - maybe we should use v3 as an opportunity to integrate quality improvements and plans. Start thinking about that now, and we'll talk about it at a future meeting. \ 5. Next meeting - All Thursday 4/10 3-4 PM PDT Note the new time! Weekly meetings are now Thursdays from 3-4 PM PDT.%% Main meetings page