GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 4/24/08 Main meetings page Attendees Paul, Dixie, Mike, Gail, June, Ian, Jennifer, Alan Agenda
- Review of AIs - Paul
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
- Status of deliverables
- Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set
- Open mic - All
- Next meeting - All
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs - Paul
- Paul:* Investigate how Update Center 2.0 will work for v3. Update: Mike Fitch joined; discussion about whether we want to include UC content in GF v3 TP2 release notes (supported platforms and issues); Paul said he'd like to give this more thought but linking to a UC wiki/web page would probably suffice
- June:* Contact Groovy and Grails SMEs and schedule the TA session. Nothing new
- Paul:* Doublecheck the validity of assumptions about Grizzly before eliminating the TA altogether. Nothing new - too late to pursue
- Paul:* Determine when TP2 unbundled deliverables are actually due. Done - Release date is 5/1; doc deliverables are due 11:59 PM Wed 4/30 PDT
- Paul:* Create a wiki page and add ideas to it for quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set. Nothing new
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul Nothing new to report \ 3. Status of deliverables:
- Release Notes - Paul: out for review; comments due
- Quick Start Guide book and HTML - Scott: sending another draft tonight; has incorporated comments received to date; sorting out UC stuff. AI - Paul: talk to Abhijit about the problem of multiple QSGs and how to solve it
- Quick Start Guide screencast - Scott: not started; needs to finish QSG first
- Administration Guide - Dixie: out for review; not getting many comments; working to make the guide as good possible by JavaOne
- Developer's Guide - June: out for review; concerned about classloader chapter
- Application Deployment Guide - June: considers it reviewed and done
- RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: not in attendance; no update
- jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: tutorials nearly done; all have been reviewed; will pass content to June tomorrow or Monday
- jRuby Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: goes out today for one more round of reviews
- Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: done
- Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: done
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview Welcome Page - Gail: in progress, coordinating with Paul S. and Abhijit
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Installation Guide - Chinmayee: not in attendance; update from Paul: Chinmayee indicated the existing install instructions for TP2 will suffice; she's going to look at the page and do some editorial improvements; content should be QA'd. AI - Paul: send mail to QA about this
- GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Roadmap to the Java EE Tutorial - Ian: working on it today
- GlassFish User FAQ - Gail: no new FAQs yet
- GlassFish Developer FAQ - Gail: no new FAQs yet
4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set Revisit after JavaOne \ 5. Open mic - All
- Books needs to be checked in / submitted for production at beta by 11:59 PM Wed 4/30 PDT; Paul will summarize the requirements in an e-mail
- Everyone should check their book's registration in pubstool
6. Next meeting - All Thursday 5/1 3-4 PM PDT No meeting 5/8 \ Main meetings page