GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 5/29/08 Main meetings page Attendees June, Debbie, Ian, Paul, Alan, Hanan, Dixie, Jennifer, Gail \ Agenda
- Review of AIs - Paul
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
- Status of deliverables
- Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set
- Open mic - All
- Next meeting - All
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs - Paul
- Paul:* Find out if TP2 is going to be turned into an FCS-quality developer release. IN PROGRESS - GF v3 lite looking likely; details being worked out
- Paul:* Start a SolBook rules page. ALMOST DONE - No further comments from tools team; will post content on wiki and give source to tools team
- Paul:* Create a wiki page and add ideas to it for quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set. ALMOST DONE
- Paul: Look at list of new features and propagate into the Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses table. NO PROGRESS - will likely work on that next week
- Book owners: Look through your books, identify task brainstorming sessions that would affect your books, add them to the table of potential brainstorming sessions. IN PROGRESS
- Book owners:* Add a link from each task in the task analysis page to the explanation of the task in the doc set.
If the task isn't going to be doc'd because it's out of scope, mark it as such; if the task is something we're going to doc but just haven't gotten to yet, leave as-is; we'll assess later whether items should be moved to the Community Docs wish list. IN PROGRESS - Again: This is for existing TAs that have already been conducted and serves as a crosscheck of what we've actually doc'd versus the outcomes of the TAs; if a task identified in a TA has been doc'd in the TP2 doc set, convert the static text into a link that points to the task in the doc set \
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul Nothing new to discuss \ 3. Status of deliverables:
- Paul working on install instructions for TP2 refresh targeted for mid-June
- Jennifer will hold off on changes to JRuby guide related to Update Center; process is more complicated than she thought so she'll leave it out for now
- The TP2 collection is due to be republished tomorrow; after that, if you have other TP2-related changes that you want to get in before the next v3 milestone, let Paul know and he'll set another publication date
4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set Revisit after wiki page is created \ 5. Open mic - All
- Ian is close to having a system in place for creating IPS packages, hopes to have it ready for the June doc release
- Jennifer will soon need to start working on Java EE 6; she'll do the TP2 AIs but as far as working on the JRuby, jMaki, and Comet docs going forward, those may need to be reassigned
- Paul mentioned the plan to publish monthly doc updates; June is the first month we're doing this; this is only for books that were published for TP2, not for books that haven't been touched since v2; TP2 book owners should attach a PDF of the latest update of their book to the corresponding comments wiki page (in months when the book is not updated, the comment wiki page doesn't need to be updated)
6. Next meeting - All Thursday 6/05 2-3 PM PDT \ Main meetings page