GlassFish v3 Community Docs Meeting June 11, 2009


Devika, Dixie, Gail, Ian, June, Mike, Paul


  1. Review of AIs
  2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
  3. Bug status
  4. Open mic
  5. Next meeting


  1. Review of AIs
      • Paul:* Cross-check the v3 list of functional specifications against the list of features in the v2 documentation.
        In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
      • Paul:* Verify EOL process for features that are marked as "Never".
        In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
      • Paul:* Look at the man pages to see what properties are already doc'd there.
        Not started.
  2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
    • Now that we no longer need to separate Preview content from v3 Final, can proceed with doc development against specs, conduct final task analyses, update doc plans, conduct final reviews, etc.
    • Will start tracking by feature again next week.
  3. Bug status
    • Not tracking this too closely yet for v3 Final.
    • Use this agenda item as a reminder to fix your bugs as you continue your work.
  4. Open mic
    • June working on Domain File Format Reference (formerly Administration Reference), cobbling configuration changes together as best she can in the absence of a DTD file.
    • The workspace won't be branched. Keep on working in the same workspace as you did for Preview for the final version of the v3 docs.
    • Discussed whether we should deliver an IPS package of the v3 Preview docs (we should). This will be an add-on package for Preview. Will explore options for v3 Final so this shows as an update and thus has more visibility, similar to what was done for the Tutorial (created a dummy package that gets installed at the time of Preview installation and is then updated).
        • AI - Ian:* Create a Preview package for team to check out (next week). Ian suggested having all putbacks done by noon Monday June 15 so he can build the package.
        • AI - Paul:* Send email to team when putbacks can resume.
      • The package should mimic what we published in the Preview doc collection on Paul will republish the Release Notes to keep that doc in sync.
      • The Tutorial is separate and will not be included in the GlassFish doc package. Tutorial work should continue separately. The Tutorial team's monthly updates will pertain only to Preview (things they weren't able to cover fully for JavaOne).
    • Discussed previous process of posting monthly updates to doc comments wiki. Informal process seems more appropriate between now and v3 Final, i.e., post your latest draft(s) on your comment wiki pages as you see fit.
    • Discussed posting of Javadocs for GlassFish packages. Didn't happen for Preview, needs to happen for Final (various docs and the Prefaces link to this). The URL currently points to the Java EE API documentation. Probably need a second pointer to the API docs for the GlassFish packages (most likely a different location).
        • AI - Paul:* Determine the URL to API docs for the GlassFish packages and update Prefaces accordingly.
  5. Next meeting
    Thursday June 18, 2009, 2-3 PM PDT

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