GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 8/07/08

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Paul, Gail, SueAnn, Jennifer, Ian, Scott


  1. Review of AIs
  2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
  3. Status of deliverables
  4. Open mic
  5. Next meeting

Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs

    • Paul:* Contact engineering team and request the final list of asadmin commands for the Prelude release. Done - The list of v3 Prleude commands is now available.

2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses

  • Paul trying to convene a TA session for pluggability; will most likely happen next week
  • Paul going through one-pagers with his name against them to move forward with other TA sessions
  • June completed the Embedded GlassFish TA session and posted updates to the Dev Guide and App Deploy Guide for August

3. Status of deliverables

  • Paul will udpate the list of deliverables to reflect the change in resources
  • Dixie has updated the Admin Guide; the latest version is attached to the comments wiki page
  • OLH drop-off to globalization will be made Monday
  • June waiting on info from Kedar for the Admin Ref

4. Open mic - All

  • Reminder for book owners: Check the IPS package and give Ian a Go/No Go ASAP so this can be pushed to the Update Center for TP2 as soon as possible.

5. Next meeting - All
Thursday 8/14 2-3 PM PDT

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