GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 9/04/08 Main meetings page Attendees Paul, Dixie, June, Ian, Gail, SueAnn, Debbie, Jennifer \ Agenda
- Review of AIs
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
- Status of deliverables
- Doc bugs
- Open mic
- Next meeting
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
3. Status of deliverables
- Release Notes - SueAnn: Not started; just got these from Paul.
- Quick Start Guide book and HTML - SueAnn: Out for review; Dixie to provide peer review.
- Quick Start Guide screencast - SueAnn: Not started; focused on bundled docs.
- Administration Guide - Dixie: Now with Marina; trying to figure out whether we do/don't have transactions in Prelude; nothing in the placeholder chapter yet for pluggability. Side discussion about update tool and where information about it should go (Admin Guide, Install Guide, ?). Resolution: Info about starting update tool belongs in the Install Guide; the open question is whether the guide needs to explain how to install update tool separately or if update tool is part of the GF install.
- Developer's Guide - June: Doing some work on this; uncommenting things that are in Prelude but weren't in TP2.
- Application Deployment Guide - June: Cleaning this up; had pared it down for TP2, now completing it for web services, classloading, etc.
- Administration Reference - June: Getting some input, doing some work.
- Man Pages - Paul: Still trying to find out which man pages go in which package; some of them have been moved around a bit since TP2; also some last minute changes to content coming from FishCAT reviewers, etc.; still more work to do on these.
- RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: Adding things; going through and editing; will update this on the comments wiki.
- jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Investigating what needs to happen for Prelude.
- jRuby Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Investigating what needs to happen for Prelude.
- Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: Work ongoing on content; trying to verify some bugs.
- Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: Nothing done since TP2; a couple of bugs have been filed against them; assessing fixes.
- Installation Guide - SueAnn: Just starting work on this.
- GlassFish User FAQ - Gail: Nothing new yet; too busy with other things to think much about this; will most likely tackle this at the end of the month.
- GlassFish Developer FAQ - Gail: Nothing new yet; too busy with other things to think much about this; will most likely tackle this at the end of the month.
4. Doc Bugs
- Went through the doc bugs (accessed from the links on the main meeting page).
- Most of the bugs in the bundled docs are against Paul; he's working on these.
- Discussion about other bugs/issues.
5. Open mic - All
- Discussion about updating doc comments wiki pages for FishCAT doc reviews; if Prelude versions are available, point to those on the individual comment pages and remove pointers to older versions (TP2, v2, etc.)
6. Next meeting - All Thursday 9/11 2-3 PM PDT \ Main meetings page