GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 9/11/08 Main meetings page Attendees Paul, Dixie, June, Ian, Gail, SueAnn, Debbie, Jennifer \ Agenda
- Review of AIs
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
- Status of deliverables
- Doc bugs
- Open mic
- Next meeting
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
3. Status of deliverables
- Announcement: Schedule will be slipping; exact amount remains to be determined; stay tuned.
- Question from June: Do we have a list of add-on modules available for Prelude? Moved into a long discussion about features, modules, plug-ins, etc. and the difference between all of these. It's a terminology issue. Some people say modules, some say plug-ins. Call this an 'add-on component?' That's what's used in the update tool UI.
AI: Paul: Investigate what the complete and definitive list of add-on components available for v3 Prelude update tool is going to be and update the doc plan accordingly to indicate the doc requirements for each add-on component. AI: Paul: Determine what the name of this should be, i.e., add-on component, plug-in, etc.
- Release Notes - SueAnn: No progress to report.
- Quick Start Guide book and HTML - SueAnn: Completed a peer review; incorporated changes; will post the revised version on the comment site.
- Quick Start Guide screencast - SueAnn: No progress to report.
- Administration Guide - Dixie: Posted Sept. version; has received comments on wiki page; using text on that comment page to set expectations for the book, i.e., it's not done yet! Transactions chapter is not part of Prelude; June just needs to comment out any xrefs to the chapter (Dev guide will have a chapter on transactions); Dixie working with Olga on some issues.
- Developer's Guide - June: Fixed a bug; got it reviewed; working on other sections; rearranging things.
- Application Deployment Guide - June: Cleaned it up; now in its expanded, post-TP2 format.
- Administration Reference - June: Cleaned it up last week and posted it; still waiting on info from Kedar, re: which elements will/will not be supported.
- Man Pages - Paul: Has definitive list of man pages and into which package each should go; making some changes to build process.
- RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: Posted updated version; working on it; on track for reviews - Paul: review dates will extend beyond 9/22, but not sure by how much yet.
- jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Not doing anything with this; doesn't seem like anybody's working on this now; will just test her examples, etc. AI: Jennifer: Provide a summary to Paul of where these books stand (jRuby and jMaki).
- JRuby Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Trying to find out what's new, SMEs don't respond to mail, don't seem to have meetings anymore; she'll go with what she knew back in July and just hope that nothing's changed.
- Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: Work is ongoing; adding some text for late-breaking changes; Olga finishing up her work; fixing some things; has all info he needs to do what needs to be done.
- Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: Made some minor changes to index.html.
- Installation Guide - SueAnn: No progress to report.
- GlassFish User FAQ - Gail: Nothing new yet.
- GlassFish Developer FAQ - Gail: Nothing new yet.
AI: Paul: Add landing page deliverables to this list (Gail to consider plan for this): Doc page on the wiki; landing page on \
4. Doc Bugs
- Bugs filed against bundled docs; Paul working through them and will try to clean up that list.
- Not tracking unbundled docs yet; will look at those more closely as we get closer to review.
5. Open mic - All
- FishCAT doc review dates will mirror code testing dates. (UPDATE: No change in doc review dates.)
6. Next meeting - All Thursday 9/18 2-3 PM PDT \ Main meetings page