GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 9/11/08

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Paul, Dixie, June, Ian, Gail, SueAnn, Debbie, Jennifer


  1. Review of AIs
  2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
  3. Status of deliverables
  4. Doc bugs
  5. Open mic
  6. Next meeting

Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs

  • No open AIs.

2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses

  • Nothing new to report.

3. Status of deliverables

  • Announcement: Schedule will be slipping; exact amount remains to be determined; stay tuned.
  • Question from June: Do we have a list of add-on modules available for Prelude? Moved into a long discussion about features, modules, plug-ins, etc. and the difference between all of these. It's a terminology issue. Some people say modules, some say plug-ins. Call this an 'add-on component?' That's what's used in the update tool UI.
    AI: Paul: Investigate what the complete and definitive list of add-on components available for v3 Prelude update tool is going to be and update the doc plan accordingly to indicate the doc requirements for each add-on component.
    AI: Paul: Determine what the name of this should be, i.e., add-on component, plug-in, etc.
  • Release Notes - SueAnn: No progress to report.
  • Quick Start Guide book and HTML - SueAnn: Completed a peer review; incorporated changes; will post the revised version on the comment site.
  • Quick Start Guide screencast - SueAnn: No progress to report.
  • Administration Guide - Dixie: Posted Sept. version; has received comments on wiki page; using text on that comment page to set expectations for the book, i.e., it's not done yet! Transactions chapter is not part of Prelude; June just needs to comment out any xrefs to the chapter (Dev guide will have a chapter on transactions); Dixie working with Olga on some issues.
  • Developer's Guide - June: Fixed a bug; got it reviewed; working on other sections; rearranging things.
  • Application Deployment Guide - June: Cleaned it up; now in its expanded, post-TP2 format.
  • Administration Reference - June: Cleaned it up last week and posted it; still waiting on info from Kedar, re: which elements will/will not be supported.
  • Man Pages - Paul: Has definitive list of man pages and into which package each should go; making some changes to build process.
  • RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: Posted updated version; working on it; on track for reviews - Paul: review dates will extend beyond 9/22, but not sure by how much yet.
  • jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Not doing anything with this; doesn't seem like anybody's working on this now; will just test her examples, etc. AI: Jennifer: Provide a summary to Paul of where these books stand (jRuby and jMaki).
  • JRuby Application Developer's Guide - Jennifer: Trying to find out what's new, SMEs don't respond to mail, don't seem to have meetings anymore; she'll go with what she knew back in July and just hope that nothing's changed.
  • Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: Work is ongoing; adding some text for late-breaking changes; Olga finishing up her work; fixing some things; has all info he needs to do what needs to be done.
  • Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: Made some minor changes to index.html.
  • Installation Guide - SueAnn: No progress to report.
  • GlassFish User FAQ - Gail: Nothing new yet.
  • GlassFish Developer FAQ - Gail: Nothing new yet.
    AI: Paul: Add landing page deliverables to this list (Gail to consider plan for this): Doc page on the wiki; landing page on

4. Doc Bugs

  • Bugs filed against bundled docs; Paul working through them and will try to clean up that list.
  • Not tracking unbundled docs yet; will look at those more closely as we get closer to review.

5. Open mic - All

  • FishCAT doc review dates will mirror code testing dates. (UPDATE: No change in doc review dates.)

6. Next meeting - All
Thursday 9/18 2-3 PM PDT

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