GlassFish v3 Community Docs Meeting October 1, 2009


Devika, Dixie, Gail, Ian, Kim, Mike, Paul


  1. Review of AIs
  2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
  3. Bug status
  4. Open mic
  5. Next meeting


  1. Review of AIs
      • Paul:* Cross-check the v3 list of functional specifications against the list of features in the v2 documentation.
        In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
      • Paul:* Verify EOL process for features that are marked as "Never".
        In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
      • Paul:* Determine the URL to API docs for the GlassFish packages and update Prefaces accordingly.
        In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Jane Young.
  2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
    • Not discussed; focused on bug status.
  3. Bug status
    • Focused on bugs against bundled docs; discussed status of each bug.
    • Change state to STARTED once you've fixed the bug in the source; add a comment indicating the bug is fixed in the source so Paul knows after he publishes that he can go into Issue Tracker and resolve the issue.
    • If a bug affects something that might also be in the Domain File Format Reference, check with June and see if any changes need to be made there.
    • Hope to see all bugs against the bundled docs in a STARTED state by next week's meeting.
    • Deadline for last putback is Friday October 9. If that creates issues, let Paul know.
  4. Open mic
  5. Next meeting
    Thursday Oct 8, 2009, 2-3 PM PDT

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