GlassFish v3 Community Docs Meeting October 1, 2009 Attendees Devika, Dixie, Gail, Ian, Kim, Mike, Paul Agenda
- Review of AIs
- Progress on writing assignments by feature
- Bug status
- Open mic
- Next meeting
- Review of AIs
- Paul:* Cross-check the v3 list of functional specifications against the list of features in the v2 documentation.
In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
- Paul:* Verify EOL process for features that are marked as "Never".
In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Abhijit.
- Paul:* Determine the URL to API docs for the GlassFish packages and update Prefaces accordingly.
In progress. Paul is awaiting response from Jane Young.
- Progress on writing assignments by feature
- Not discussed; focused on bug status.
- Bug status
- Focused on bugs against bundled docs; discussed status of each bug.
- Change state to STARTED once you've fixed the bug in the source; add a comment indicating the bug is fixed in the source so Paul knows after he publishes that he can go into Issue Tracker and resolve the issue.
- If a bug affects something that might also be in the Domain File Format Reference, check with June and see if any changes need to be made there.
- Hope to see all bugs against the bundled docs in a STARTED state by next week's meeting.
- Deadline for last putback is Friday October 9. If that creates issues, let Paul know.
- Open mic
- Next meeting
Thursday Oct 8, 2009, 2-3 PM PDT
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